Thursday 29 August 2013

Max the Cat

My parents cat named Max passed on today. Max lived for 22-years and a was a fine companion. Prior to Max I don't think that they had a cat live more than 2-3 years. The other cats were outdoor wanderers. Max lived indoors except for occasional on-leash visits to the backyard.

You have to admit 22-years is a heck of a run. We will miss you Max!

For some rare good news I went to another clinic and was referred to a new dermatologist. I will not disclose the name or location of the new dermatologist just so the Toronto Western Hospital dermatology Department does not poison the well. OHIP the Ontario healthcare system is a little poorer for the effort, but I will get the treatment I deserve. There are some bad people at Toronto Western Hospital Dermatology and for the sake of future patients I hope they weed them out of the system. I personally doubt they will. Some people need to reflect on why they  entered the healthcare system in the first place, was it to make a personal profit or help people? Are they proud of the poor treatment they are delivering? Is treating people like garbage acceptable?

I'm not a fan of Mayor Rob Ford but you have to love his line "I have smoked a lot pot in my time". That is great stuff. Honest and above board. The puritanical Conservatives lead by Harper and MacKay could learn a lesson from their fellow right-winger Ford.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Beer Overboard

Our Colombian friend David has been a welcome addition to the Brawler. He is a good guy but more importantly he is adept at losing items overboard. I am therefore able to practise my man overboard drills without the loss of life. Last time out he lost the BBQ regulator and propane canister. I was able to rescue the BBQ items but Bereza lost his favourite monkey blanket in the attempt.

Yesterday was a more serious rescue. The rear door was left open, one of the tasks that The Captain while ultimately responsible leaves for his crew. The failure of the crew members to close the door led to the small cooler flying out of the rear of the boat at warp speed when I put the Brawler into gear. Now this was David's personal cooler so the worst case would have been his raiding other people's beer from the main cooler.

I was able to perform precise manoeuvres and rescue the floating cooler.   In all the excitement of rescuing the beer I lost track of the number of crew members. I'm pretty sure everyone was accounted for, I just had this nagging suspicion that we were a little light on the number of passengers after the incident. If anyone has seen Bereza can you let me know, just in case. If he is missing on Monday I'm not admitting he was ever onboard.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Potty Mouth Justin

Peter MacKay Our Boy Defence Minister Tut Tuts Trudeau

Our little boy Defence Minister wags his tiny fingers at Justin Trudeau for smoking pot. This small child admonishes a grown man for taking a puff on a joint. 90% of Canadians don't care if Trudeau smokes pot. The other 10% already vote conservative and and are still bothered that the country club let in Catholics and Jews. The mayor of my city hangs out with crack dealers and staggers down the street drunk on weekends. Do you think we care if our PM smokes pot? Maybe if Harper took a puff it wouldn't seem like he has a stick up his ass.

I'm more concerned that our Defence Minister is a 12-year old boy. I'm more concerned that our big toothed, flamboyant Foreign Minister is making an ass of himself around the free world. That our insurance defence lawyer Finance Minister can't balance a budget and denied that we were in a recession.

The Toronto Sun does an editorial that Trudeau is setting a bad example for the kids, while they worship His Worship who, the Globe alleges, was a drug dealer in High School. Was caught in photos using a crack pipe and is all over YouTube hammered to the gills.

Never Did Get a Call From Toronto Western Hospital Dermatology Department

I'm going to report these government employees to the CMA, my MPP, The Minister of Health, the Dermatology society if it exists. They refuse to call me. It has been two weeks since my referral, I begged the doctor not to send me to this clinic. I begged him!

I'm going to return to the clinic and lie prostate in his office and beg him to send me to any clinic in the free world other than the Toronto Western Dermatology Department. I will pay him a $1,000 cash to refer me to any other clinic on the planet.

A friend told me that he recently got a call within 48 hours from another dermatologist to set up an appointment. I'm being blackballed.

I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to righting this wrong. How do people show up at work and decide they are going to treat people like garbage? Do they understand that they are public servants and that I pay their salary?

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Waiting for a Call

My psoriasis is out of control. I need medical assistance. I finally broke down and attended a walk-in clinic and asked to be referred to a dermatologist. I begged the doctor not to return me to my prior dermatologist. I even printed off a sheet with the top 10 rated dermatologists in Toronto. He insisted I return as they have my records and treated me in the past. That was more than 10- days ago. I have not received a call to set up an appointment. I know this clinic is out to get me. They read my Blog when I trashed the clinic, it was one of the most highly read entries I have ever blogged.

I have since taken down the entries after the referral. Not because I don't stand behind what I said but because I'm desperate for treatment. If I don't get a call by next week I'm going back to the walk-in clinic and insisting on a referral to another dermatologist.

I know it takes a while to get an appointment but is should not take 10-days to set up. Do you think I will be put at the back of the line? Do you think I will get fair unbiased treatment?

These people are government workers and can be vindictive. They have you over a barrel and they know it.

Monday 19 August 2013

Random Thoughts

I am having a battle with two pigeons over possession of my condo balcony. It is a heated battle that has already resulted in the death of an unhatched egg, the destruction of two nests. I have sprayed the balcony with WD40, washed it down with bleach, removed patio furniture. It is an epic battle that will end badly for the birds. They are too stupid to know any better. Their homing instincts will not allow them to seek a safer home. I will spend every waking hour plotting their destruction. I had a 30 minute stare down with one of them as it sat on the telephone pole on the south side of King St. today. The pigeon couldn't fathom my superior intellect thinking of new ways to end its brief earthly existence. It's tiny bird brain unable to fly off to a safer haven.  

By the end of season one the Irish Brawler will have had over 70 distinct passengers. It has been a huge success story. It has been expensive as I have upgraded the stereo system, electronics and even the anchor. The prior owners must not have used the anchor as they had an unworkable system attached to the boat. I was able to figure out a solution which has greatly increased the enjoyment of lake trips. This week I am having a new canvass top installed on the Brawler. Next year I will install a swim platform extension. This addition will cement the Brawler as the ultimate party boat. I also do not understand why the previous owners had the walk through windshield sealed shut. I unsealed the window, but need to repair the rubber seals. This will be another expensive repair job.

I'm left wondering why I would be fired and likely serve jail time if I defrauded my workplace, and yet Senators Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin are unlikely to fired or face criminal prosecution. Daily revelations seem to indicate that Wallin billed taxpayers for non-existent meetings and events where she cancelled appearances.

Sensible people wondered out load why Harper appointed these people with epic egos and outsized sense of entitlements. It was bound to end badly and it has in spades. It would be sweet justice for Stephane Dion should Harper's toady Duffy lead to the PM's downfall.

I never understood why Liberals and NDP didn't boycott the highly partisan Duffy's politics show. He was so over the top in support of Harper that he barely hinted at any pretence of fairness or journalistic ethical behaviour.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

EI Con Game Continues

A Nova Scotia think tank has released figures that in the last decade Atlantic Canadians withdrew $12.5B more in EI than they paid into the plan. More than half of that in Newfoundland alone. I have always said that the EI system in this country is a wealth distribution scam gone haywire.

EI is a tax on the hard working people. In Ontario it is nearly impossible to collect. The Harper government increases EI deductions on a yearly basis. This is a tax increase. Harper and his insurance defence lawyer turned Finance Minister Flaherty  find it impossible to reign in spending so they increase our taxes through the back door.

We can build a lot of subway track with the EI contributions from Toronto residents, shipped to the East Coast under the guise of insurance. It is a wealth distribution system that discourages labour mobility. It results in labour shortages in a country with high unemployment rates. It is unsustainable and yet Harper doesn't have what it takes to change the system. A system he once criticised as a sense of East Coast entitlement while in opposition. He was right then, but is wrong today.  

Hugh Segal & Pamela Wallin

Senator Hugh Segal has set up shop as the chief defender of Pamela Wallin. There is a pattern here, Harper's approved talking heads on the political panels are defending Wallin. They have written off Duffy as damaged goods. Duffy will never be back in the Conservative caucus.

My keen eye for figuring out the Con game has identified two possible theories of why Harper is defending Wallin. One is that he thinks Wallin can redeem herself and resume her role as a fundraiser and political hack in the Saskatchewan heartland. The other more likely scenario is that he is trying to justify his prior defence of Wallin's expenses.

My take is that Duffy and Wallin are radioactive to the Canadian public. Their reputations are in tatters and their sense of entitlement is offencive to ordinary Canadians. Harper brought both of these egotistical blowhards into the senate to do exactly what they  did, which is to raise money and bring in the votes in the white bread hinterlands, where their profiles as national talking heads was seen as what passes as celebrity in this country.

Hugh Segal has always been a defender of the elite in Canada. A class that is beyond reproach and above the law applicable to the working class. This explains why he believes that deliberate acts of fraud by certain senators should not be forwarded to the RCMP. He called the RCMP investigation laughable. You can go to jail for stealing bread  but a senator committing fraud to the tune of $100'sK should go unpunished.    

Sunday 11 August 2013

H-Girls Road Hazards

Donut Girl is taking her driver's test on Monday. I believe she is going to Kenora or some distant town which allegedly has an easier road test than Toronto where she lives. I have been a passenger in a car driven by her sister M, let's just say that the famous wide roads of Mississauga are not wide enough for her. Pedestrians and small animals are not safe. Speed limits are for losers.

The H-girls told me that their saintly Mom, Aida, set a Peel Region record for the most attempts to pass a road test. On 8 occasions she failed to pass. Poor Aida who was distracted by raising two hellion girls thought that the sidewalk was an extension of the road. No one was hurt other than small rodents and shrubs, but after 8-attempts the testing agents gave her a license if she promised not to drive anywhere near their homes or local schools.  

I wish Ana luck with her test but I do not believe that any of us will be safer on Tuesday.

Poor Edgar!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Toronto Cyclists Out of Control

Cyclists in downtown Toronto are completely out of control. They obey no traffic signals or rules of the road yet expect full road privileges. The rules do not apply to them, yet they expect to be treated as equal road users.

On the weekend I saw a father pushing a baby carriage at a crosswalk. He pressed the crosswalk light and cars in both directions stopped for him. His view was obstructed by a parked truck. He entered the crosswalk and an adult male cyclist came within inches of crashing into the carriage. Typical Toronto cyclist was unfazed. He didn't even slow down. I would have loved to have punched him in the face. A day later I'm walking on the sidewalk and another cyclist brushes past me touching my arm with his handle bar. It was a graze and did not hurt but the cyclist kept on going without slowing down.

Anyone that lives in the Toronto core knows that these cyclists are ticking time bombs of rage. They respect no one, ride with visible anger and disrespect. They obey no rules and ride wherever they please without regard for pedestrian or vehicle.

The cops should crackdown on these two wheeled terror missiles. Someone will have to reign them in before pedestrians go vigilante on this subclass of simmering hate.

Saturday 3 August 2013

John Baird

Below I have photos of John Baird's business card and the edits he demanded. This walking piece of filth demanded that the government remove the word Canada and the maple leaf flag from his card.  He got into trouble for carrying English only cards. Below is a French version he had made. Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister removed any mention of Canada from his card, also removed the name of Lester B. Pearson from the name of his office tower on his card. Pearson a former Liberal Prime Minister and Canada's only ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is too liberal for Israel's best friend.

Baird had them add gold embossing to the crown on his card. The man worships the Queen of England yet he doesn't want the word Canada or the flag on his card.

I'm loyal to Canada, served in Canada's military, but I have no loyalty to the Queen of England, Stephen Harper or his flamboyant flag hating, Brit worshipping, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

I'm ashamed of and have no connection to this man. I don't want him representing my country over seas. Harper's cabinet is so devoid of talent that this is the best he can come up with to be Minister of Foreign Affairs. I can't wait for the next election to send these pricks to the sidelines where they belong.  

By the way Lester B. Pearson was a World War 1 veteran. Look up the Cons hero John Diefenbaker's war record, or the military service of Harper's cabinet.

John Baird Business Card

Thursday 1 August 2013

Valdez Restasurant Review

I attended Valdez restaurant on King St. West in Toronto with Maria, her husband Maurice and Ana Maria. We wanted to check out the new South American restaurant. All of us speak varying degrees of Spanish, though mine is confined to lines learned from reruns of Chico and the Man in the mid-1970's. While the owner is of Colombian stock the restaurant combines dishes from all over Latin America with the exception of Mexico.

The restaurant is excellent. Even the cocktails were superb. I'm a fan of spicy Mexican food, but as I have learned from the H girls, South American food has a much more delicate use of spices. We tried a tapas style order of shared dishes. Ana Maria left early and missed the dessert of an amazing chocolate dish which was like a heated brownie with a souffle centre. I have no idea what the dishes were called but everything we tried was delicious.

We retreated to the roof top patio which is one of the best in the core.

I highly recommend this restaurant.

Valdez on King Street West