Monday 17 November 2014

Bits and Bites

I was reading an article in the Globe recommending a small cap stock. I took a flier on the stock promoting a sports app and it nearly doubled in price in 30-days. I used dividend cash in my portfolio to buy a small holding in the company. The stock is The Score. I recommend that you download the App on your smartphone and tell your friends.

I have been staying up late watching Youtube videos of funny dogs and goats. And I don't even like dogs. Goats are second to monkeys in the animal kingdom humour department. A monkey tries to be funny while a goat just is.

Bicyclists in downtown Toronto are getting close to becoming cyclo-terrorists. They have no respect for the law, pedestrians, or vehicles. Rules apply only to non-cyclists.

I spoke to Ana today and it is great to see her career take-off of late.

When I'm not watching doggy videos I have been watching the Netflix series, The Killing. Highly recommend that show. How come Netflix can produce high quality shows and almost all Canadian tv shows are garbage? Not one of the comedy shows on CBC is even remotely funny. Corner Gas on CTV was embarrassingly bad.

I don't understand why anyone would believe that PM Harper was a tough guy. He is the most physically weak man to hold the job since Joe Clark. All this talk about Justin Trudeau having limited work experience before he ran as a politician is ironic. Exactly what jobs have Harper, Baird, and Tony "Milhouse" Clement held prior to becoming career politicians?

I have greatly increased my knowledge of Scientology over the past few months. I can't explain why but I'm fascinated by the religion. I'm not a follower but I can't stop reading about it or watching videos. I've been known to watch a Scientology video over a doggy/goat video when the mood strikes. I will never be a Scientologist because it is too expensive plus I'm a non-believer in all religions.

D'Arcy's Mega-Cube Expands