Wednesday 31 December 2014

153,850 steps; Mustard-Shallot Vinaigrette recipe from NYT

Brian sent me the recipe. I added lemon and fresh garlic. Very tasty. Note the recipe on the jar is not the recipe I followed.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

New Total

138,290 with one day left in 2014. Averaging 12,570 a day. I need to average 9,347 to complete challenge by Jan. 27th. Will likely complete challenge by Jan. 18th. Could end up with about 550,000 before I drink alcohol. That would  be nearly 280 miles.

Monday 29 December 2014

Harper Fails the Canadian Investor

The current lead story in the National Post is that Justin Trudeau would lead Canada into a dangerous isolationist position in world affairs if he became PM. Forget that this is in fact the position of most European countries in dealing with ISIS. That Canada's military is so weak that it plays a marginal role in any world conflict and that Harper has allowed military hardware to reach all-time lows in readiness.

The National Post and Sun newspaper chains abscess about what the leader of the third party, Justin Trudeau, may do if he becomes the Prime Minister. I'm more concerned with the fact that Canada has fallen way behind the US in job growth and economic recovery. As a stock market investor I'm distressed by a stagnate TSX and falling Canadian dollar. The economy under Obama is outperforming Harper's in all categories. The NYSE has reached almost daily records while the TSX has fallen 3% in recent months.

While I have probably missed the train, I have moved future investments more and more into foreign holdings. The economy under Harper is not good for a serious investor. The falling dollar does not help my buying power. I'm hopeful that a new prime Minister in 2015 will help in boosting our economy. Harper has been a dismal failure. For the first time in over 20-years of investing I have moved new investments out of Canada. Investing in Canada is not a smart move right now.

A small sign of progress

123,590 total steps. I completed a low end 13,700 today. Not a great total for a work day. Still feeling a little stiff in lower back this morning. I did have my first sign of weight loss. I tightened the belt one notch today. A sure sign of losing weight.

I also spent time in an Irish pub today. I drank diet soda while my friend consumed beer.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Garmin Malfunction

109,890 steps. I took over 101,000 steps this week.
The bad news is that the Garmin step tracker started to sputter and now does not display my steps. It still sends a signal to the Garmin site. My back-up tracker, Basis Peak, still works fine.
I may just use the Basis. I'm hoping the Garmin will work again.

Tomorrow is Day 10. I have no urge to drink alcohol and I have been eating well. I'm sure I have lost weight but it is too early to tell. My fitness level is increasing. I ran further on the treadmill today. While I primarily walk outside I have completed two sessions on the treadmill each of the last couple of days.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Step total update

95,416 another 16,300 steps today.
I can feel my fitness level increase. Will break through the quarter pole tomorrow.
I even cleaned my fridge today. Threw out about 10 relish jars. I could have had another 20k today but wanted to dial it down a bit as I don't want to burn out.

Friday 26 December 2014

Challenge Update

79,116 is my total steps so far in the challenge including over 20,000 today.That is over 10-miles. I had just over 10,000 on Christmas day. Other than the first day which I did not wear a pedometer I am on pace for the 13,000 daily total I wanted to average.

The Bond Update

You can make out bottom of pool behind pole left side 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Fitness Bands

48,299 steps after 5-days of current challenge. That is less than 10,000 a day but understand that I did not wear a fitness band on day 1 and only recorded 6,421 on day 2. I have been averaging around 14,000 over the last 3 days. Over Christmas and Boxing Day I expect to only record a small number of steps. After Boxing Day I do not expect to be under 10k on any day thereafter and should average over 13k a day.

I have purchased a second fitness band called Basis Peak. This is more of a sports watch and have worn it the last two days along with my Garmin band. The Peak is great for raw data including your heart rate and sleep quality. It is not as good for keeping long term data which is what I need during this challenge. I will be wearing bands on both arms for the immediate future. The Peak also has a low battery life. It does have a very comfortable band which is a big deal as I have sensitive skin.

I ran on the treadmill over the past two days despite being out of shape. I expect that by early January I will be able to run a fair distance.

I have a Jan. 27th physical, moved up from Feb. 5th, which gives me more than enough time to complete my 400,000 step goal. It should give me about 40-days of clean living. If I can cut back on booze and maintain healthy eating for the long term maybe I will see lasting changes. At least I try every year. I'm pleased that I even advanced my challenge by 12-days during the worst time of the year for eating and drinking. I expect that I will over eat on Christmas day but one day should be fine.

I am up to 5 alcohol invitations that I have turned down so far including today.

You will see a running step total in the Blog which I am recording for my own benefit. My current fitness bands do not record a grand total of steps but only daily totals. By keeping a running total I can keep track of the 400,000 needed to complete the challenge.

Monday 22 December 2014

New Challenge

I have started my new challenge this week prior to the New Year.
I decided to get a head start as my body was demanding a lifestyle change.
Rather than my prior goals of avoiding alcohol, increasing exercise and eating well for a month or 60-days, this time I have set a goal of a minimum of 400,000 steps (200-miles) of walking/running before I consume alcohol. I hope to continue the proper eating beyond the challenge period.

I am off to slow start of 6,421 steps on the first day. I have already surpassed 11,700 today and still have to go to the local grocery store to stock up on healthy foods. So I have only completed about 4% of my goal.

To give some perspective on how far 400,000 steps will be, consider that ideally you want to complete 10,000 steps a day. So in a month 300,000 steps would be a reasonable goal. Most people average considerably less than 10,000 a day. In the past during a challenge I have averaged aprox. 13,000 steps a day.  At that pace it will take 31 days to complete the challenge. It is a challenge to average 91,000 steps a week but well worth the effort. In a good week I can exceed 100,000 steps.
By avoiding alcohol I am able to average over 25,000 steps on a weekend rather than less than 10,000 when I'm drinking.

As added incentive I have my annual physical on Feb. 5th. I have to admit I am presenting my doctor with my best foot forward and maybe not representative of my average fitness level. But one of these years I am going to stay the course and keep the weight off. Two years ago I was good for about 6-months.

*20,867 steps

Saturday 13 December 2014

Harper Head

Harper & Goldsboro Helmet Heads

What's going on?

Why after 3 constructions seasons are renovations at Nathan Philip Square in Toronto still not complete? I walk by the site daily and there are weeks during the summer where no work is happening. Then out of nowhere they start up again. The half assed reno is a disgrace to the city.

Our new Mayor John Tory is upset about cost overruns on the Queens Quay project. The reasons for the increased costs seem reasonable, ageing infrastructure and water intrusion on reclaimed land.The project when finished will be a spectacular addition to the city. Another mayor with no vision, pinching pennies instead of building a great city.

I'm also looking forward to the remaking of John Street which will be my new neighbourhood in a couple of years.  The approval of the Mirvish-Gehry project will also be a great addition to the area.

Has Canada ever had a bigger asshole as Prime Minister than Stephen Harper? His refusal to meet with Premier Wynne is a pathetic, petulant schoolboy tactic. A physically weak, petty man who talks a big game and fails to deliver. Cuts military spending, services to veterans and talks like he is the armed forces best friend. It is not a surprise to me that he and most of his cabinet never served in the military because most would not have been physically capable of finishing basic training.

Helmet head Harper looks like singer Bobby Goldsboro from the 1970's. Look it up.

I just read that the Canadian Navy has dropped duty free booze from warships. The 50 cent beers and 55 cent packs of smokes were the biggest perks of the Navy. All over a few sailors getting out of hand on shore leave in San Diego. I'm not sure how cheap beer on ships at sea will have any effect on shore leave antics? I don't see much of a connection and I lived the lifestyle for 4-years. I know this will take a big hit on morale for sailors at sea.

Saturday 6 December 2014

By-Law Boy Confronts Queen of England

Can the Queen of England Send Canada's Troops to War?

A Royal Military College professor asked the Attorney General of Canada, the pathetic Peter MacKay if  our foreign Queen could unilaterally send Canadian troops to war? Mackay said she could not in spite of the fact she is the Head of State of Canada. Only the PM and Cabinet can send troops to war.

People mocked the prof. who is a serving officer in the Canadian military, born in this country, for asking the question. In fact it was a perfectly valid question, one that I wanted answered. The prof is Canadian born but of Irish heritage. Commentators to the article came out with their usual anti-Irish bigoted trash talking. Mocking a serving member of the military while most have them never served their country.

Some otherwise clear thinking Canadians think it is absurd that we may one day be on the opposite sides of a war with the UK. In fact best buddies the USA and what is know the UK have fought twice since the US revolutionary war. Today's friend can be tomorrows enemy. We have no idea what may happen 100-years from now that can and will change allegiances.

 Canada may one day be confronted with a future head of state, in the UK military, firing weapons against Canadian troops.

I served in the Canadian Navy while the UK Navy was engaged in a war with Argentina. We sat that conflict out. I swore allegiance to the Queen of England but it was a lie. I am loyal to Canada but I have no loyalty to the foreign Queen.

If the UK engages Canada in a hostile action I will have no problem taking up arms defending my country, but I want to know which side the monarchists will take? I may have to take care of some local business before I head overseas.