Thursday 28 February 2013

Gutless Politicians

Want to balance the budget?
Cut military spending. Convert the Canadian military into a rapid response team in conjunction with CSIS and RCMP. Have swift boats protect coastlines and the arctic.  Get rid of the vast majority of the military bureaucrats and generals. A small percentage of the military are frontline soldiers, airmen and sailors.

I'll be patrolling the Ontario coastline, gratis for the government, in The Brawler this summer. I'll be looking for Orangeman and other undesirables. I'm armed with a new horn and the famous D'Arcy fist shake.

Eliminate the CBC overnight. Sell off its assets. End subsidies to all TV channels. Allow customers to pick which cable channels they want to pay for.

Make EI contributions voluntary. Allow people to divert EI premiums to RRSP contributions. Charge chronic, seasonal EI recipients a premium that reflects their usage. It is not insurance if you knowingly collect it every year. It is an income transfer from Full-Time hardworking people, to seasonal workers. There is no logical reason why other workers should be charged a premium for a benefit they will never collect.

End provincial equalisation program. Force people to move to where the work is located. Don't artificially  prop up the population of regions of the country where there is chronic unemployment.

Eliminate the Senate. Drastically reduce public sector pensions for new civil servants. Contract out work where possible.

Kick the anti-Catholic foreign Queen and her successors out of Canada for good.

Pay off aboriginal Canadians in a one time lump sum payment and then end the distinction between them and the rest of society.

End subsidies to businesses and farmers. Use the $billions I have just saved the country to build new highways and subways systems. Balance the budget.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Pumpkin Head

Brawler Has A Home

Looks as though I found a home for the Brawler, within walking distance of my condo. This is exciting news. Only 2 months to launch date. I appointed Jimmy as Safety Officer in-charge of running safety drills. Jimmy will also handle all fire fighting equipment and report directly to Ryan, or Mariana as a senior officer on the Brawler. He will also be charged with distribution of alcoholic beverages and cutting off unruly passengers. Jimmy will be like the Robert Shaw character from Jaws, regaling passengers with stories of his colourful past.

It looks as though May 24 weekend will be the first on board party for lakeside fireworks. We'll also have a launch party prior to that. I think it is time for people to seriously consider whether they want to be banned from The Brawler?

If I didn't have the worlds largest head, I would order a Captain's hat. My head is so large in circumference that the Navy did not have a large enough beret to fit it. When I had a full Afro in high school you could have hid small children in my hair. My frizzy hair had its own electrical field. The only person I have ever seen with a bigger head was Pumpkin Head, an underwriter at my old company. His head was so big that he had to enter a room sideways. He sometimes fell off his chair because his gigantic head would effect his balance. His glasses had extension cords to reach his ears. Pumpkin Head had to move his whole body when he turned to talk to you, because he had trouble turning his neck. I'm not kidding about Pumpkin Head, he really does exist. I'm banning Pumpkin Head from the boat, because if he fell in the water, I'm not sure how we would get him back on board?

Sunday 24 February 2013

The Big Rethink

I'm considering changing my whole mindset towards when I consume alcohol. In the past I would drink on Fridays, occasional Saturdays and a weekday, if there was a function. For 25 years, drinking on a Friday post work was a given. I'm thinking of dropping that whole concept.

This week I have a function on Monday and Wednesday. I'm considering only drinking alcohol if there is a function. Saving Fridays for working out, unless there is a pressing reason to drink on Friday. In the summer I may add in a few patios days.

If I secure a slip for my boat, there will be added drinking on weekends and the occasional weekday. I don't want to increase my overall consumption.

I seriously considered having another 20-day no alcohol stretch until I go to Myrtle Beach in late March. I have two functions this week and one the following week. I will restrict my drinking to those 3 days. I also need to rethink my weekend food intake. I have been consuming too many calories on weekends, during my cheat meals. I will restrict the cheat meals to one a weekend.

I borrowed an idea from my brother Paul and purchased a Fitbit scale. This weight scale sends the results to your computer where a graph plots your weight gain, or loss. Picked it up on Saturday.

I was able to run without any problem on Saturday despite consuming several beers on Friday. This concept is entirely new to me. In the past I would not have been able to run the day after drinking beer.

The Homeless Brawler Faces Uncertain Future

Saturday 23 February 2013

Toronto Casino

There is a reason that many of the major La Vegas casino operators are flocking to Toronto to lobby City Hall to build a multi-$Billion casino in downtown Toronto. Downtown Toronto is a world class destination and ripe for a mega casino project. It will pump $Billions into the local economy, employ thousands in high paying positions and assist in building much needed subways.

The loud, professional left-wing promoters of homeless funding projects, have hijacked the media and public consultation process. Their endless mantra of punishing the majority to protect the 1% of social misfits and morally weak that have quit society, will cost us a mega-project that would transform the core. It would generate  an endless stream of transit funds, make downtown a destination beyond compare in the country.

There is a homelessness industry in this town that blocks projects, lops storeys off of private towers, protests any attempts at progress and development, in the name of the filthy street beggars that block my path too and from work on a daily basis. Ironically these same beggars would flock to the casino doors to ply their trade. It is the reverse 1%ers. The bottom 1% that pay no taxes, scare tourists and small children and stain our streets with their filth. A entire industry has been built around them, by people that claim they are the true urbanists and get to dictate to the rest of us how our city will be run. They just want us to pay for their version of urban utopia with our taxes. Pay and then shut up and let them define was is acceptable in the inner city.

Those of us that live in the condo towers downtown, that are not members of the artistic community, or media, social activists, we have no say. Just a cut a cheque and shut up. You have no say, because we have decided that your opinion is morally bankrupt.

It is time for the people that actually pay the bills to take back our city. We need this casino project because it is one of the few viable projects guaranteed to make money. The homeless filth and the arbiters of what passes as marginal, artistic endeavours in this town have no money. They can't build us subways, because they are takers, not providers. They drain the public purse and the income generators are marginalised, their opinions mocked and discounted.

Let's repeat their mantra "Just pay, you have no say".

We can continue to sit silently and let them make all the decisions, or we can take back our city. I'm not going to be silenced anymore by activists that dismiss my opinion but cash my cheques, then dictate how those funds will be spent.

The Brawler Landlocked

Basic Customer Service

I'm having difficulty getting the local marinas to respond to my applications, which leaves the Brawler temporarily homeless at this time. I hope to resolve this issue next week. The lack of courtesy is a disturbing trend. I had the same issue with the builders of some property I purchased. I made enquiries about the stage of building progress (or lack thereof), was ignored, then lied to in a terse response. I'm seriously considering whether to write an expose, outing this builder for lack of common decency and courtesy.

Though it may not be obvious by the content of this blog, I am conscious of libel suits. As hard as it may be to believe, I occasionally handle such claims at work. While I'm confident of the primary defence of the truth of my case, I'm concerned with associated costs of proving same, against an organisation with unlimited funds.

I work in the customer service industry and try to be courteous and responsive. My own customer service is consistently ranked 5 out 5 by a major business partner of our company. I wish I was dealing with a John D'Arcy at the other end of the line. Sure I can be sarcastic and use occasional profanity, but in the end I get the job done. When the tables are reversed, I find it very frustrating. In particular when I'm paying a stack load of money.

I am learning that the marine industry, in particular, is lacking in basic customer service. I'm just looking for a parking spot close to my home and I'm willing to pay to get one.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Follow-up Medical

I had a follow-up physical after weaning off one of my two blood pressure meds. My blood pressure is still very low,  after a week without the the weaker of the two meds. This is good news, as I would like to someday take no prescriptions, should I continue to lose weight.

Even before I lost weight my cholesterol was surprisingly ok. Not great, but not in any danger zone, or high enough to require any medications. My blood tests last week showed  a 33% reduction in bad cholesterol from a year ago and an increase in the good cholesterol. My chances of having a  heart attack in the next 10-years was around 5%, or less than half my age group for males.

I'm ready to go binge drinking and eating bad foods. With those odds what do I have to worry about?
Kidding of course! I will stay the course. The occasional cheat meal, but overall good food choices.

My doctor did yell at me for reporting only 4-beers last week, when in fact they were tall boys.  I must say I don't think I actually finished any of the light beers. I just opened 4 during the course of the night. Anyone that has cleaned up after a party knows that most beer cans are half full. I will have to ask the maid.

I have a fridge full of beer, fruit and veggies. Leftover beer from the poker party that will very likely be consumed, primarily by others, on the Irish Brawler in May.

I will be on the Brawler every weekend, but the first major party will be May 24 Weekend Fireworks. Victoria Day to Monarchists.

Speaking of the Brawler, the name sticker, along with an application kit just arrived by courier today.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Record Run Personal Best

I ran 2.62 miles on the treadmill without walking tonight. I stopped at that number as it is exactly 1/10th of a marathon. I felt I could easily have run 3 miles. This is a recent personal best. When I left the Navy, returned to Hamilton, I would run up to 5 miles at a much faster pace. But I was 22-years old and weighed 175 pounds.

There are certain psychological barriers I have to overcome. A fit woman jumped on the other treadmill about 2/3 the way through my run. For some reason I still find it difficult to run beside other people. In particular people who are runners. I feel like I don't belong and become self conscious. I'm getting better with the issue, but yesterday I jumped off the treadmill, because a guy asked me how much longer I would be. I was close to the finish anyway, but did end my session early.

When the weather gets better I will take my act outside.That will be another psychological barrier to jump.  

Indian Food from Hammertown

I had some fine Indian food this weekend in Hamilton while visiting the parents.
Looking forward to consuming Hamilton pizza in the near future. During the week I have been sticking to salads and sushi. I have become quite the connoisseur of fresh fruits since I changed my eating habits. I have been adding blue & blackberries to my instant oatmeal at breakfast.

I don't understand why PM Harper feels the need to spend $5M a year on a religious freedom watchdog. Seems like sap to his loony right wing base. How about paying down the deficit, or a tax decrease to working stiffs? Every year this government raises our taxes, yet run record deficits. They have yet to cut into their bloated civil service. This a socially conservative government, when we are crying out for fiscal conservatives like Paul Martin.

Gotta love Brian Mulroney for calling, Brian Mulroney, a great PM on the weekend. In more enlightened countries he would be in jail, for taking a brown paper bag full of cash from a lobbyist. Tell me again why Ben Mulroney is on TV, when I have yet to meet a single person that can stand the sight of him?

Not impressed by Kathleen Wynne the new premier of Ontario. Just like the last Toronto mayor's race, there is no one running for premier of Ontario that is worthy of a vote. We must be able to attract better leaders in Ontario.

I find myself following new Canadian tennis star Milos Roanic more and more. I have to believe that he will challenge for a Grand Slam title in a few years.

I note that a few years ago ESPN's Bill Simmons announced that he was going to pick an English Premier soccer team to follow.  He soon gave up and never did follow the league. I feel the same way. I want to like the league, I just can't get into it.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Poker Night

Poker Nite

We had 22 poker players Friday night, despite a few missing regulars and the long weekend. We had a record 7 women play poker, including 2 that finished in the top 3 prize money positions. The winner was Ian Harris, our oldest Champion and a not known as a keen poker player. Avril a rookie player was an even more surprising second place, followed by Mariana in third. Finishing 3rd for her is like losing, she plays to win. Another great time last night.

Charlie Brown went on one of his destructive rampages at the end of the might, falling over chairs and striking people. I'm not sure how to make the boat CB proof. I'm going to leave it to Donut Girl to draw up "Charlie Rules". What ever she comes up with is final. Ana Maria was new in town after a whirlwind trip to Colombia and Brazil. Very tanned and fit.

I didn't count how many light beers I had last night, but it was no more than 4. I woke up feeling fresh and ready to go. I completed 15,000 steps today and a light weight lifting session. Most important was that I ran a recent record 2.1 miles, without walking on the treadmill. To run that distance the night after consuming alcohol was a huge step. The old D'Arcy has not returned.  

I had a good boating discussion with Captain Ricky. We'll get together shortly to discuss what I should expect this summer. He did say it was lot of work, but with a big payoff. I've lined up a few helpers including Mariana, Ryan and Crazy Paul. There is a big payoff in the end for all of us.

Thursday 14 February 2013

"The Mate" Finally Replaced by "New Lady"in Workplace

What's going On Around Here Part 2

I'm sure readers are sick of the 45-Day Challenge. I have good news, it is over and I will not write abut it again. I lost 32.5 pounds. I consumed no alcohol.
I learnt early on to stay clear of bread, pasta and store made salads. After one week I was discouraged because I had only lost 3 pounds. I want to thank M for steering me towards sushi and making my own salad dressing. The best item I bought, towards the end of the challenge, was a salad mixing bowl.

Final Grades from 3-areas I concentrated on:
1. Alcohol: A+; no alcohol consumed
2. Food Choices: A; I learnt that the occasional slip up is good, opened my eyes to new food choices and started making my own dishes, not just salads, but curries etc.
3 Exercise A+; walked/ some running over 340 miles. my modest goal was 250. I lifted weights to ensure my weight loss was fat, not muscle. I have returned to the routine of weight training, where I enjoy it and want to increase the frequency of my workouts. I got over my worry about working out in the condo gym with other people.

I will start consuming alcohol on a moderate basis tomorrow, will continue the food choices forever, will continue working out and increasing the frequency I run and lift weights. A lot of people are convinced I will put the weight back on. I know that I will continue to lose weight and keep it off. I've only reached the halfway point.

I had my annual physical today. My doctor was very pleased with my weight loss and lectured me on why I believe I will continue on the right track. She also reminded me of the evils of binge drinking. I have to return next week for blood test results and to see if a reduction in medication is warranted.

I heard PM Stephen Harper defend the expenses of Senator Pamela Wallin, another washed up journalistic hack appointed to the Senate with a brazen sense of entitlement. It appears that Wallin's $400,000 in travel expenses are in line with MP's that live in Saskatchewan. Her trips included frequent stopovers in Toronto, where she has lived for the past several decades.

We have over 100 Senators appointed at the whim of the sitting Prime Minister, unelected, unaccountable, with jobs that few Canadians could describe, or understand. They frequently abuse the system, display a shocking sense of entitlement, are never up for election, have a job until they are 75 years-old, followed by a generous taxpayer funded pension for life. It is  money pit of patronage, a reward for unquestioned servitude, bag carrying, shoe shining of their political betters. Harper appoints his Senators with an agreement that they will abide by term limits, only to have them taste the entitled perks of office and question the need to limit their days at the trough.

The Senate is a sleepy, unaccountable house of sober second thought. What one piece of legislation did they kill this year? The Bill to allow betting on individual sports events, rather than multiple combination of games. The ability to bet on a single game. This was attached to an omnibus Bill passed by the House of Commons. The creaky, rightwing, moralists in the Senate killed the Bill. The only Bill that the Conservatives passed, that had my approval.

The fact that Pamela Wallin can run up $400,000 in travel expenses to basically campaign for Harper, paid in full by the taxpayers is a disgrace. A pox on our system of government. All attempts to make the expenses of Senators open to public scrutiny have been quashed.
Something is seriously wrong with this system of government,

Tuesday 12 February 2013

What is Going On Around Here?

It is Black/African Diversity month at my company.  As a White/African, born in Nigeria, should I be upset that I'm excluded? Should we get our own month? I don't want to be included with the white South Africans. They are a little tainted and not as legit as me.

I'm down over 30 pounds (30.5). I had to shop for jeans 4-inches smaller, than jeans I bought in December. I now have the Rod Stewart jeans from the early 1980's.

I had the best sushi buffet with Mariana this week. She promised to show me the diversity of foods in the sushi world. I was shocked at how great the food was. Apparently it is also good for you. Not in a million years would I have dropped into that restaurant, now I can't wait to go back. I thought I ate too much food, but I actually lost weight. You could not eat the amount we ate every day, but it would be a good once a week cheat meal.

I'm down to two days left in the 45-day challenge. I have lost a crazy amount of weight. I still need to lose a bunch more, but I'm more determined than ever. I think I can lose the weight this summer.
I would like to be down another 7-10 pounds before I go to our annual Myrtle Beach golf trip in late March and 15+ pounds by the time I launch my boat in May.

The cartoon below is a good natured tribute to the Henriquez family, they dared me to draw their Mom Aida without incurring her wrath. I'm looking forward to getting them out on the boat, along with members of the D'Arcy family and many friends that manage to escape the "banned from the boat" list.

Now that I have lost weight I'm thinking of banning anyone that weighs more than me, with the exception of KJ.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Finish Line in Sight

Charlie Angus Line on Mike "Puffball" Duffy

NDP MP Charlie Angus line on Senator Mike Duffy, courtesy of my brother Brian:

"What do Anne of Green Gables and Mike Duffy have in common? They both are fictional residents of Prince Edward Island".

Instant classic!

5-Days to Go

I'm basically free and clear at this point. There is no chance I will fall off the wagon now. For the past two days I have checked the weigh scale and it confirms that I have lost 28 pounds. I'm still over weight and could lose another 25. In fact it is my intention to lose that weight before the end of summer.

It's gotten to the point now that most people, other than Mariana, can easily notice the weight loss. My face is thinner and an entire inner tube has been removed from my mid-section. I even had to buy a new belt this week.

At work David Storey and I run a monthly Video round table with people from across Canada to discuss files. I noticed this week that I still look like the obnoxious Senator Mike Duffy on the TV screen. It is more incentive to keep going. I may drink alcohol next Friday, in moderation, but the food changes are permanent.

I ate my daily sushi lunch, in the Eaton Centre, this week in front of the Big Smoke Burger. The charbroiled patties and smell of greasy fries had no effect on me. It is like the hundred's of women's shoe stores in the Mall, they exist but have nothing to do with me.

I walked too and from work yesterday in the worst snowstorm in years. I'm really looking forward to my pizza and beer cheat meal with M next week, but it will be a temporary blip. I'll be back to the  grind the next day. I think the occasional cheat meals are key to long term weight loss. You have to sample the forbidden foods to keep on the path.

I want to talk briefly about the horrific human being that is Senator Mike Duffy. A massive ball of wasted skin. He is indicative of all that is wrong with our parliamentary system. He demanded to be appointed senator, or named to Order of Canada, for services rendered as Harper's personal media hack for years. His overtly pro-Harper agenda as a "journalist" was so over the top, that he didn't even bother hiding his pro-Conservative views. He was rewarded with a senatorship. He has lived in Ottawa since the early 1970's. This despicable, beach-ball of hate, is charging the taxpayers of Canada over $40,000 a year for living expenses, in a city that he has lived in for over 40-years. In more enlightened countries he would be thrown on jail.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Senator Treats Taxpayers With Contempt

Harper Considers me to be a Canadian with an Asterix*

I wasn't born in Canada. I immigrated to Canada with my parents and brothers as a 3-year-old. My first memory was flying on the plane from England to Toronto. At the age of 10, I became a Canadian citizen. When I was 17-years-old my parents signed a consent form to allow me to join the Canadian military. I still remember the day my Dad took time off work, to drive me to the James Street Train Terminal, in Hamilton, where I took a train to Trenton Air Base and then a plane to Nova Scotia to start basic training.

I spent 4-years in the Canadian Navy, before a obtaining an Honourable discharge.

I read today that PM Stephen Harper considers me to be a lessor citizen, than natural born Canadians like him and his Immigration Minister, Jason Kenny. For cheap partisan reasons they denigrate my citizenship, like the men without honour that they represent.

Harper and Kenny want to pass a law that will allow the government to take away the citizenship's of naturalised citizens that commit a crime as a terrorist. Where does it stop, do they strip citizenship because they commit any crime that upsets the sensibilities of the government of the day? Maybe my criticism of their beloved Head of State, the Queen, is enough to strip my citizenship?

Why do men, like Harper and Kenney, that seemingly lack an ounce of integrity, believe that they are more Canadian than I am?

Harper and Kenney are Canadians because of an accident of birth, while our parents chose this country. They raised children here and paid taxes. But men without decency and honour like Harper and Kenney, cheapen their contributions to this country and seek to weaken their rights as Canadians. Harper believes in two classes of citizens.

Harper does not have the moral authority, or mandate to carry out this legislation. He lacks the right and simple moral character to take away our rights as Canadian citizens.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

2 Mile Run

I broke the 2-mile barrier today on the treadmill. That is 2 miles without walking. There were 3 young guys in the condo gym lifting weights. For some unknown reason I like to workout alone in the gym. In particular, I like to run on one of the two treadmills without anyone on the second treadmill. That was the inspiration for the cartoon below.

The gym regulars are waiting for you to quit, so they can have the gym to themselves. I'm sure that some are frustrated I hit February without quiting. I know it is crazy, but I feel self conscious like they are judging me. I have hopped off a treadmill prematurely, just because someone appeared to be waiting for me to finish. They were milling about the gym looking like they were eyeing my treadmill.

The stubbornly cold days of mid-winter have drove me inside on occasion.  I have also been lifting weights. I don't want my weight loss to be at the expense of loss of muscle.

I can see the finish line of the 45-day challenge. Only 8-days to go. Just two social events where I would normally drink beer. One is tomorrow at the Raptors v. Celtics NBA game. The other is a rare house party on a Friday. I will be the designated driver for Friday's event for some downtowners. The one advantage of driving to a party is that you get to leave when you are ready. When you don't drink, you are usually ready to leave earlier than the hardcore partiers. I will stay to a reasonable time but......when I'm ready to go...... When I wake up Saturday morning the 45-day challenge will be in the bag.

I also skipped an industry event tonight. I managed to stave off multiple temptations over the 45-days.  I'm semi-proud of myself. I just have keep up with the proper eating after the challenge is over.

Monday 4 February 2013

Barbershop Follies

Crazy Times

I'm in my bosses office this morning for my annual performance review and we hear a loud bang in the Eaton Centre Mall behind his office. You hear so many noises in the mall, that you rarely turn around. Not 50 feet from his window a guy jumped 4-floors to his death. He jumped from the elevated parking lot onto the 3rd floor of the mall beneath the atrium. I don't think he was commenting on my performance. I do feel bad for the guy and his family.

In an effort to maximise my weight loss, I spent my lunch hour getting a haircut. Every little bit helps. The senior barber of the shop handled my hair. I thought I was in for an elite haircut from the top gun. Instead the guy kept answering the phone, yelling at the young guys and filling out receipts. He was distracted and it resulted in a sub par cut. My hair requires precision cuts and full concentration from the hair professional. I don't think I got that today. I still left a generous tip.

I was reading the Hamilton Spectator online today and noted that they are opening a revival of Mother's Pizza in Hamilton. Bereza and I always talk about what a great idea it would be to obtain the pizza  recipe's from Mother's Pizza and reopen a restaurant.

Maybe it was just childhood memories, but almost everyone I talk to from Hamilton loved Mother's Pizza. They were killed off by their failure to figure out speedy delivery. Pizza, Pizza and the other quicky delivery joints make sub par pizza. There was something about Mother's. I will guarantee that I will check that place out.

The Hammer is on a bit of a roll lately, they opened Canada's first ever Anchor Bar wing joint. I went to the original in Buffalo last year. Unfortunately wings are off the menu for me.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Walking to Fitness

I use an iPod pedometer to track how many steps I take. I just put it in my pocket and forget about it. It is very accurate. This past week I broke my weekly personal record of 101,000 steps and even surpassed Mariana's 121,000 record, with a 125,000 as noted below. This is equal to about 62.5 miles. This was out of competition so I don't consider it an official record, but a personal best. I also set a monthly best of 440,000 steps, or 220 miles.

Included in those steps, were many miles of running on the treadmill. My goal was to walk at least 500,000 steps during my challenge. I will surpass that total tomorrow with 10-days to spare. It was a modest goal of 11,000 steps a day. The vast majority of steps were completed outdoors, during times of mild, to viciously cold temperatures, snow storms, torrential rain and icy sidewalks. It wasn't always pleasant, but it was worth the effort.

I will continue to increase my walking and running well after the 45-day challenge is complete.

D'Arcy Breaks Weekly Walk Record 125k

Friday 1 February 2013

Boat Name: Irish Brawler

Irish Brawler

I didn't go with my first choice of boat name, "The Queen's Beaver", as I was concerned that it would be censored by the marina, or some monarchist would vandalise the boat. People who worship a foreign queen are not known for their sense of humour.

When I was at the Boat Show, I picked up a pamphlet from a boat lettering company. I went on their website and noticed that they had various logos that you could add to the boat name. I always liked the Notre Dame fighting leprechaun. After some thought, I came up with Irish Brawler as the boat name. I do have an Irish background. Plus I think it looks pretty good.

I sent the name around to a few people and it got universal approval. Some were upset that I dropped the original name, but it wasn't going to pass muster.