Saturday 9 February 2013

5-Days to Go

I'm basically free and clear at this point. There is no chance I will fall off the wagon now. For the past two days I have checked the weigh scale and it confirms that I have lost 28 pounds. I'm still over weight and could lose another 25. In fact it is my intention to lose that weight before the end of summer.

It's gotten to the point now that most people, other than Mariana, can easily notice the weight loss. My face is thinner and an entire inner tube has been removed from my mid-section. I even had to buy a new belt this week.

At work David Storey and I run a monthly Video round table with people from across Canada to discuss files. I noticed this week that I still look like the obnoxious Senator Mike Duffy on the TV screen. It is more incentive to keep going. I may drink alcohol next Friday, in moderation, but the food changes are permanent.

I ate my daily sushi lunch, in the Eaton Centre, this week in front of the Big Smoke Burger. The charbroiled patties and smell of greasy fries had no effect on me. It is like the hundred's of women's shoe stores in the Mall, they exist but have nothing to do with me.

I walked too and from work yesterday in the worst snowstorm in years. I'm really looking forward to my pizza and beer cheat meal with M next week, but it will be a temporary blip. I'll be back to the  grind the next day. I think the occasional cheat meals are key to long term weight loss. You have to sample the forbidden foods to keep on the path.

I want to talk briefly about the horrific human being that is Senator Mike Duffy. A massive ball of wasted skin. He is indicative of all that is wrong with our parliamentary system. He demanded to be appointed senator, or named to Order of Canada, for services rendered as Harper's personal media hack for years. His overtly pro-Harper agenda as a "journalist" was so over the top, that he didn't even bother hiding his pro-Conservative views. He was rewarded with a senatorship. He has lived in Ottawa since the early 1970's. This despicable, beach-ball of hate, is charging the taxpayers of Canada over $40,000 a year for living expenses, in a city that he has lived in for over 40-years. In more enlightened countries he would be thrown on jail.

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