Saturday 23 February 2013

Toronto Casino

There is a reason that many of the major La Vegas casino operators are flocking to Toronto to lobby City Hall to build a multi-$Billion casino in downtown Toronto. Downtown Toronto is a world class destination and ripe for a mega casino project. It will pump $Billions into the local economy, employ thousands in high paying positions and assist in building much needed subways.

The loud, professional left-wing promoters of homeless funding projects, have hijacked the media and public consultation process. Their endless mantra of punishing the majority to protect the 1% of social misfits and morally weak that have quit society, will cost us a mega-project that would transform the core. It would generate  an endless stream of transit funds, make downtown a destination beyond compare in the country.

There is a homelessness industry in this town that blocks projects, lops storeys off of private towers, protests any attempts at progress and development, in the name of the filthy street beggars that block my path too and from work on a daily basis. Ironically these same beggars would flock to the casino doors to ply their trade. It is the reverse 1%ers. The bottom 1% that pay no taxes, scare tourists and small children and stain our streets with their filth. A entire industry has been built around them, by people that claim they are the true urbanists and get to dictate to the rest of us how our city will be run. They just want us to pay for their version of urban utopia with our taxes. Pay and then shut up and let them define was is acceptable in the inner city.

Those of us that live in the condo towers downtown, that are not members of the artistic community, or media, social activists, we have no say. Just a cut a cheque and shut up. You have no say, because we have decided that your opinion is morally bankrupt.

It is time for the people that actually pay the bills to take back our city. We need this casino project because it is one of the few viable projects guaranteed to make money. The homeless filth and the arbiters of what passes as marginal, artistic endeavours in this town have no money. They can't build us subways, because they are takers, not providers. They drain the public purse and the income generators are marginalised, their opinions mocked and discounted.

Let's repeat their mantra "Just pay, you have no say".

We can continue to sit silently and let them make all the decisions, or we can take back our city. I'm not going to be silenced anymore by activists that dismiss my opinion but cash my cheques, then dictate how those funds will be spent.

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