Sunday 24 February 2013

The Big Rethink

I'm considering changing my whole mindset towards when I consume alcohol. In the past I would drink on Fridays, occasional Saturdays and a weekday, if there was a function. For 25 years, drinking on a Friday post work was a given. I'm thinking of dropping that whole concept.

This week I have a function on Monday and Wednesday. I'm considering only drinking alcohol if there is a function. Saving Fridays for working out, unless there is a pressing reason to drink on Friday. In the summer I may add in a few patios days.

If I secure a slip for my boat, there will be added drinking on weekends and the occasional weekday. I don't want to increase my overall consumption.

I seriously considered having another 20-day no alcohol stretch until I go to Myrtle Beach in late March. I have two functions this week and one the following week. I will restrict my drinking to those 3 days. I also need to rethink my weekend food intake. I have been consuming too many calories on weekends, during my cheat meals. I will restrict the cheat meals to one a weekend.

I borrowed an idea from my brother Paul and purchased a Fitbit scale. This weight scale sends the results to your computer where a graph plots your weight gain, or loss. Picked it up on Saturday.

I was able to run without any problem on Saturday despite consuming several beers on Friday. This concept is entirely new to me. In the past I would not have been able to run the day after drinking beer.

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