Wednesday 30 January 2013

What Weight Loss?

Day 30 of 45 Day Challenge

If you go back to the first blog entry in January, I announced a 30-day Challenge of no alcohol, better food choices and increased exercise. It wasn't until a few days later that I upped the ante and extended the challenge to 45-Days.

Today I have reached Day 30 and I have been having bouts of weakness and temptation, to reduce the challenge back to the original 30-Days. I have spoke to my friend Tim about having a beer next week. I have a boy's night at Real Sports on Saturday, to watch the Leafs. A Raptors game next week and a house party. Remember the better eating and exercise will be extended, I hope, forever.

It is also been tough to watch the guys that take January off every year from drinking, gear up for a big weekend of beer and merriment.

As punishment for my moments of weakness, I arranged a lunch with Mariana, my harshest weight loss critic. Now those of you that know her, will question whether lunch with the endlessly entertaining Mariana, should really be considered punishment. Normally I would agree with you, but she swears that she does not believe that I have lost an ounce of weight. At least not noticeably. She is not giving me a hard time, she just can't see it.

In fact I have lost 21.5 pounds. Normal people have noticed. I notice that I have lost a considerable amount of weight in my midsection and face. I need to add a notch to my pants belt, or get a new belt.

Mariana, while a relentless critic, has also been motivating me to stay the course. She has offered numerous food tips, is teaching me about which sushi dishes I should eat and keeping me honest. She sensed my weakness and suggested a pizza & beer dinner, if I don't cheat over the next 15-days. It set me straight. I'm back on the program and will not fall off the wagon.

Monday 28 January 2013

Espanolas en America

There is an excellent article in the Globe and Mail op-ed page, by Julie Barlow & Jean-Benoit Nadeau, on the need for the U.S. to embrace its Latino side. The US is the 5th largest Spanish speaking country in the world and will soon be number #2, after Mexico and ahead of Spain.

The Republican Party lost the White House, in the last two elections, because they underestimated the power of the Latino vote. Spanish is not a new language to the U.S. It was the first language of California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. They were Spanish territories long before they were taken over by the U.S. San Antonio, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Los Angeles were not named after English towns. The fact that Republicans ignored this community, was a concession of a huge voting block to the Democrats and an abdication of their responsibility to represent all of America.

President Obama has listed immigration reform as a major policy initiative of his second term of office. We have learned today of a bipartisan, immigration reform package, agreed upon by prominent Senators. This package will present 11-million undocumented workers a chance to gain citizenship. The vast majority of whom are low wage Mexican workers and their families. Many of the jobs handled by these workers, are occupations that native born Americans refuse to take. By offering a path to citizenship these new Americans will be paying taxes and contributing to the mainstream economy and accessing healthcare for their families. It's the right thing to do.

The Republican Party can no longer be the the party of the descendants of white Europeans settlers. They are quickly becoming a minority in the US. Much as European Catholics, such as the Irish and Italians, were marginalised in 19th century America, Latinos were cast aside by the mainstream political parties in the 20th century. The Irish and Italian Americans rose up and demanded political power by their shear numbers and voting as a single block, until they were assimilated into the mainstream, culminating with the election of Irish descendant President John F. Kennedy. Latinos are on the cusp of seizing the next century of American politics. They can no longer be ignored.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Globe Article About Weight Loss

Every week the Globe & Mail has an article on an individual who has lost a substantial amount of weight. They show a before and after photo of the featured subject. The article focuses on the lifestyle choices made by the person in both diet and exercise. The latest article is about a New Brunswick man that lost 116  pounds.

Two things struck me about the New Brunswick man's experience. One is that he confirmed what I believe, that 80% of weight loss concerns changing the diet. Exercise while important, is a  significantly lower factor in weight loss. The second issue was the overwhelmingly positive comments from readers of the article.

I mention the readers comments because a man, that many of us know, was the subject of the same Globe feature a few weeks back. He lost a significant amount of weight by both dietary and what I would call extreme exercise. Unlike the vast majority of the subjects of these articles, they attached an unflattering AFTER photo. The comments were, by and large, negative. The poor guy also took to the message board to try and defend himself. The man is a former coworker of ours.

One of the many magazines I subscribe to is Men's Health. My favourite part of the magazine is a feature on a similar dramatic weight loss story. I have gleaned some interesting tips from the success stories. The primary motivation of almost all of subjects, is that at some point they determined that they were fed up with their appearance, or declining health and took dramatic action.

Jim Flaherty

I'm an Canadian with an Irish background, but unlike the Italians and other immigrant groups, Irish Canadians are not influenced by the Irish roots of their politicians. We are appalled by truly awful Irish Canadian political leaders such as Brian Mulroney, Jim Flaherty, some would add Dalton McGuinty and the repulsive Mike Duffy come to mind. Thomas D'Arcy McGee might have been the best of the lot and they assassinated him.

I think Dalton McGuinty was a decent premier, but the Ornge scandal, the cancellation of the gas fired plant and other scandals were inexplicable. I'm going to write an entry on Dalton's legacy soon enough.

I want to write about the former insurance defence attorney Jim Flaherty. I watched another interview with Flaherty as he prepared to head to Davos, Switzerland for the annual meeting of finance leaders.
Flaherty is from Whitby, Ontario a suburb of Toronto. He is nominally the Minister for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The man has a massive, unrelenting hate on for his home province. He can't help himself as he trashes the economic record of the province. Flaherty has done more harm to Ontario than any politician in the country. He is the Finance Minister, yet he refuses to alter the EI rules that punish Ontario.  He fails to correct fundamental, well known flaws in the federal transfer and equalisation program, that transfer $Billions from his home province to other parts of the country.

Flaherty's hate for the government of Ontario is so great that he punishes his friends and neighbours. The constituents of Whitby are represented by a man that has no interest in their economic well-being.

Flaherty's wife, Christine Elliot, is the Deputy Leader in PC leader Hudak's party. She opposed her husband's plan to harmonise the HST. Flaherty has failed to deliver a national securities regulator and base that office in the financial hub of Canada, Toronto. He has delivered nothing to the City of Toronto.

Flaherty, who at first denied there was a worldwide financial crisis, has turned massive surpluses from the Paul Martin era, into record deficits. Do you notice the right-wing press, which dominates Canada, give Flaherty a break on the deficit front, yet skewer Dalton McGuinty? McGuinty had no oil revenues to pay down Ontario's debt.

Flaherty's unrelenting criticism of Ontario, may influence debt agencies to downgrade Ontario's credit rating, risking $Billions more of the taxpayers money. Ontario needs Flaherty to quit trashing his home province and deliver us a fair deal on EI and transfers.

Ontario already delivers services to its residents at a cost of less money than any other province in the country. This despite the fact that the federal government transfers $Billions of Ontario's wealth to other provinces which  have greater levels of service.

1 1/2 Miles on Treadmill

I walked 3.5 miles this morning through Kensington Market to College and Spadina before returning home. I extended the distance I can run, without walking, to 1.5 miles. Again I failed to drink water before I jumped on the treadmill. There is no doubt this cost me a 2 mile run. Still I'm happy with the increased distance.

I have my annual physical on Feb. 14th. I will have my doctor look at my blood pressure medication. I find that when I get into shape, the medicine reduces my heart rate. The dosage of my medicine is for when I'm out of shape. As I lose weight and increase my endurance, the less I need the medicine. My resting heart rate is down 20 beats a minute. Not a bad sign, but I would prefer to take less medication.
My doctor told me once that if I ever got into truly great shape, I would likely no longer require any blood pressure medication.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Brian Burke

I have resisted writing about the Brian Burke firing until now. Several people have asked me to write about the firing, because I have been very critical of Burke in the past.

There is no doubt that Burke deserved to get fired. By his own admission he was a failure at this job. He publicly stated that he did not believe in a 5-year plan and expected to make the playoffs in his first year. Four years later his team was no closer to qualifying for the playoffs.

Burke has proven himself to be a bully, a failure as a GM, a sycophant to the despicable Gary Bettman, an old Boys Club employer of washed up members of the failed GM fraternity. He used his owner's money to employ his industry friends, with no obvious benefit to the team. He extended the contract of his coaching buddy, Wilson, without merit, knowing that he would likely soon have to fire him. He imposed restrictive rules on himself that applied to no one else in the league, that hurt the competitive ability of the team. He held news conferences to describe the deals he could have made, but decided against.

Burke held court in his bloated front office, failing to ice a competitive team. He bullied members of the press that dared question his moves. He was AWOL during Unrestricted Free Agent day, visiting the troops of a nation to which he is not a citizen. It is simple, visit the troops another day. He failed to sign free agents, many of whom grew up in Southern Ontario worshipping the Maple Leafs.

By any objective standard of measurement, Brian Burke was a failure as the Leafs GM. He will benefit from the Old Boys Club for which he promoted and perpetuated. There is always work for washed up GM's in the backscratching NHL. Bettman may need a ball washer and yes man. No one fills the bill quite like Burke.

Bass Pro Shop, Vaughan

I just returned from Bass Pro Shop in Vaughan. People in Toronto have no idea of the size of the Mall in Vaughan. You're naive! You have no clue! It is like a mall on steroids. I have never seen anything like it. I had no idea it even existed. I was blissfully unaware until today. Every store is about 4x times the size of its equivalent at a regular mall.

They must have facial recognition software, because I was asked to leave the giant Bikini Village. I thought that the lifetime ban only extended to the Eaton Centre location, not the entire chain. I'm kidding! or am I?

I purchased floatation devices, or life jackets to the non-nautical. One fancy one for myself and 8 one size fits all, for the passengers. One size fits all does not fit an H girl, or other female guests. I have purchased smaller size life jackets for special guests. We may have to fit Jimmy with a special jacket with a beer cup holder and ashtray.

I also picked out a giant cooler. I did not want to carry it around, so I am having it delivered.

I have a boat lettering order form, to order a new name for the boat. I just have to come up with an acceptable name.

Friday 25 January 2013

Random Thoughts

Even Charlie Brown could tell I lost weight. He can see the difference in my face which is noticeably thinner. Kelly Jones has joined me on the wagon. He has plans to stay away from alcohol until his birthday in Mid-February. Kelly just returned from vacation and unexpectedly has given up alcohol. No one saw that one coming.

I'm mildly amused by Chief Theresa Spence negotiating an end to her hunger strike. As if she is doing society a favour by ending her stunt. Her liquid diet was a farce and a distraction from her mismanaging    of over $100M in funds, sent to her reserve. Her band had threatened to remove her from office unless she returned home.

My investment philosophy is to buy and hold stocks. I have invested heavily in index funds that follow the stock market as a whole. When the market periodically crashes, I do not panic, in fact I purchase additional funds and make even more money as the market inevitably recovers. I'm also a believer in blue chip companies that pay dividends. Nothing new here, or groundbreaking, but it is amazing the number of people that invest in bonds that pay 1% or 2% interest.

I started to seriously invest when I was 31 years old, it took me a long time to accumulate a decent size portfolio, but if you start at that age and be patient, the returns will come. Your older self will thank you for it later.

Whomever emerges as Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty's successor in this weekend's Liberal Leadership convention, is in for a rough ride. The Orange scandal, scrapping of the gas fired power plant, eHealth and other scandals are too much to overcome. The Liberals in Ontario are in need of a time-out. The only problem is there is no decent alternative.  

Great to see my Dad have some improvements in his health this week. As an Irishman he thought it was interesting that, in the Belfast flag-flap, the Protestants are now experiencing what the Catholics have felt for generations. It sucks to be in the minority. Unlike his number #3 son, my Dad is trying to gain weight. He gained 2 pounds and I lost 2 this week.

Final Crew Chosen for The Boat

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Halfway Through 45-Day Challenge

I am exactly at the halfway point of my challenge. I have completed 22-days and have 22 more days to follow. I have lost 15-pounds. I had a minor setback today at lunch with Mariana. We have not seen each other since before New Years Day. The brutally honest M confirmed she could not see any weight loss. This as I ate a Greek salad which lacked any dressing. I wont be discouraged. My current weight is more typical of what I have weighed over the past two years. I have really only lost the weight I put on the last 6-months.

I'm encouraged by the number on the scale. I must say it is not just Mariana, only one person, Paula Souza, has volunteered that they noticed any weight loss. Other people knew that I was involved in the challenge.  

I can notice the difference in my pants size and general health. My heart rate has been lowered by about 20 resting beats per minute. When I lose another 10 pounds it will be obvious.

I have had no problem staying away from alcohol. I have documented evidence of increased exercise.
I must say the dramatic drop in temperature has curtailed my outdoor walking. I still walk too and from work, but limit after work walking. It is tough to be outdoors for more than 35 minutes at a time.

I ran 1.35 miles without walking on the treadmill today, after lifting weights. I could not do anywhere close to that distance prior to the start of the challenge. I could have went further, but was dehydrated and had no access to water. Should be able to break two miles shortly.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Office Tensions Rise

An emboldened Donut Girl, Ana Maria, egged on by her Mom Aida and myself, resulted in an assertive move today. Donut Girl demanded the New Lonely Lady turn down her radio. In what can only be surmised as a passive aggressive behaviour by Loud Lonely Lady, cranking up the tunes in only her second week on the job. Loud Lonely Lady was told her music was bothersome last week.

I'm lucky that I'm on a different floor. I'm also experiencing my own bouts of fending off passive aggressive behaviours by nameless, internal sources. I'm close to retreating into a shell at work and focusing on happy thoughts outside the workplace. The fight has been beaten out of me by the relentless passage of time. I'm a shell of my former self. A wax figurine with bad hair. The fight in me had a brief flicker of life today, when I vented to David Storey, but quickly vanished with my patented fist pump and mumbling, barely audible streams of semi-conscious protestations. The life in me extinguished to the point that Storey felt the need to take my pulse. I've been reduced to the pathetic, batty old man shuffled off into a corner, with brief outbursts of anger, followed quickly by crashes of barely conscious mutterings.

To that I end I started my Boat Maintenance Course this week. The course seems complicated as I am not mechanically inclined. I'm also focusing on choosing a marina to rent a slip for the summer. These happy thoughts are my retreat from the workplace.

Tensions Rise Between Donut Girl & Lonely Girl Over Music

Friday 18 January 2013

Challenge Update

First off I would like to acknowledge that Haroon Siddiqui, of Toronto Star, has written a belated but first rate article on the horrific, endemic rape of women issue in India. I urge all to read the column. He had to write it to maintain credibility when writing a positive story on his native India.  

Back to the challenge. I have lost nearly 14 pounds. For the first time today I had to let in my belt buckle in to keep my pants up, while walking home. I am past the 1/3 mark, closing in on half way for the initial challenge. The eating well and exercise will continue, after I allow moderate alcohol intake. I want to end the binge drinking.  

I can feel the difference. I would grade myself as an A overall.
(A+) in the no alcohol area.
(A) in exercise. I have exercised each day, occasionally ran on the treadmill and lifted weights. I might be able to increase the pace a bit.
(A) on the food intake. No fries, no pizza, not takeout. At the recommendation of M, I have made my own salad dressing. I have had 3-4 lunches that may have cheated a bit. Just ate too much bread, or pasta once or twice.

I may be a little hard on myself, overall I have been pretty good. Not easy to walk outside in the brutal cold this week and next week will be even worse.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Donut Girl Seeks Advice

Donut Girl has been designated by her department at work, as the person required to befriend the lonely new person. If a new co-worker is having a hard time adjusting, Donut Girl is called upon to bond with the new colleague and make them feel a part of the team. It is not work that she enjoys.

Ana Maria, the polar opposite to her sister, is exceptionally nice. Too nice! and they take advantage of her. A new co-worker in her department is having a terrible time adjusting to the workplace. She is a middle aged worker that has returned to the workforce. She has a habit of playing music at her desk. Donut Girl will not tolerate noise. She left her last apartment because her neighbour played his music too loud. Management has forced A.M. to sit next to "Loud Lonely Woman" and train her. A.M.'s sister has left the fold, so she turned to me for sage advice. I was happy to comply.

I have been happily avoiding co-workers for 25-years. I'm a champion co-worker avoider. I can alienate a colleague in minutes. I can create a life-long enemy before lunch. I'm not in Mariana's league, but I'm good for a man.

In the cartoon below I showcase the "I'm busy please leave my cube method". This is executed by turning the whole body towards the computer and away from the co-worker. The fingers should be spread in the "I'm about to type" formation. Only the head should face the offending co-worker and it should be pulled as if by a magnate towards the computer. If confronted by a clinging co-worker, an emergency phone grab followed by an audible "I've got to make this call" can be used. If still bothered the "I've got to prepare for a conference call, maybe we'll talk later" statement can be employed.

Aida and M. have tried to toughen Donut Girl, but she wasn't born with the same street toughness. Her collegial attitude has helped her bond and impress some senior people in the company and will assist in future sales scenarios. It is not all bad. I just hate to see them dump all the social misfits on her lap.

D'Arcy Teaches Donut Girl the Art of Co-worker Avoidance

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Gun Control in America

In Canada we do not have a constitutional right to bear arms. You can purchase a hunting rifle, but the average Joe is not allowed to walk around with a pistol, let alone a semi-automatic weapon. There is no appetite in Canada to weaken gun laws. There is no NRA or its equivalent.

Canadians have a front row seat to watch all that goes on in America, with endless fascination I might add.  America is the greatest country on earth. We watch it all unfold in real time from Presidential elections, to healthcare debates, but nothing can compare to the apocalyptic reaction of Americans, if they believe someone is going to take their guns away. Not pistols to protect the home from robbers, but semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles that would make the military blush.

The drafters of the US constitution in 1787 and the Second Amendment, enacted in 1791, had  nothing more than bulky muskets in mind, along with the need for a healthy Militia, to guard against invaders of a fledgling nation, when they were putting pen to paper. Two decades later the British were causing trouble at the border and they were thankful that the citizenry were armed and ready.

Nowadays the  Militia are ultra right-wing fat guys in camouflage gear. They are firing off assault weapons deep in the woods, chasing imaginary enemies, which includes the US government. They are either waiting for the Red Dawn of Russian paratroopers, armed Mullahs, or government soldiers, ordered in by a Kenyan born President that wants to confiscate their guns. I don't think the drafters would recognise the militia, or their powerful weapons.

The danger is from within the US. The government can't even pass legislation to require  background checks on gun purchasers in all circumstances. They can't ban assault weapons. The NRA has the Congress trembling in fear. They would cross Grover Norquist before they challenged the NRA.

I have fired assault weapons, qualified on semi-automatic and automatic weapons. Hell, I have even thrown grenades and fired M-72 anti-tank rockets. All under the watchful supervision of the military. I just don't see the need to take any of the weapons home.

There are just too many crazy people out there to allow proliferation of dangerous weapons. The answer is not to have more weapons in the hands of the "good guys", to protect against the weapons of the "bad guys".  Everyone is armed to the teeth. A huge percentage of people have no idea how to safely operate the weapons. There are too many accidents.

Is the average person not concerned about some of these Militias training in the woods, with an irrational hatred of the President and the government in general? I'm concerned that some of the Militias are close to the Canadian border.

I believe the answer is to take away some of the weapons. Ban assault weapons and conduct background checks on all gun purchasers. It is not my country, but I think the gun culture has gone too far.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Idle No More

I understand that the Aboriginal Idle No More Movement will be shutting down major highways and rail lines in Southern Ontario tomorrow and probably throughout the summer. I'm really looking forward to lazy summer days on the boat to escape this nonsense.

You could ask why the Saskatchewan based Idle movement insists on shutting down highways in Southern Ontario, rather than their home province? The answer obviously, is that if you shut down a highway in Saskatchewan, no one would notice. Of course Toronto is not the seat of the Federal government, with whom they have a dispute. Predictably we will pay the price.

The term Idle No More is ironic, when in fact the purpose of the movement is to ensure that many Aboriginals can continue to be idle at the taxpayer's expense. This is not racist attack, as similar wrongheaded policies idle much of the Maritimes, which is almost entirely made up of white people.

Any group that, generation after generation, is granted money in exchange for no work, or in the cases of the Maritimes and Newfoundland, minimal work, there will grow a sense of perpetual entitlement. It is not politically correct to say it, but it is true.

Whether it be $Millions to a reserve with no economy, or ever hope of an economy, or 42-weeks of EI in exchange for 10 weeks of work on the East Coast, once you ingrain a culture with endless cycles of free handouts, you destroy the work ethic.

It is the fault of the Federal government. We will never satisfy the aboriginal lobby, ever! After  months of holding taxpayers in So. Ontario hostage with protests, the Feds will throw $Billions at the problem and we will get a temporary retrieve, until they come back looking for more.

Canada is scared shitless of the angry Native. We are wracked with generational, irrational guilt for the plight of the First Nations people. It has been 350 years since Europeans conquered the America's. No native child born today should be entitled to special treatment.  We lend credence to the bizarre, hunger striking, Chief Theresa Spence, who demands to see the Prime Minister and is granted an audience with the PM. She then demands to see the Governor General and is granted an audience with the GG. An audit proves again that she mismanaged tens of $Millions of taxpayer funds. She refuses to give up her hunger strike. A hunger strike that I have to mention shows no appreciable weight loss.  Yet still we lend her credibility as if she is a legitimate, credible leader.

If there are unresolved land claims, then let the government, or court resolve them. Give the aboriginals a cut of any resource projects in their lands, or land claims. But get something in return. End the free ride in perpetuity. At the same time end the EI fiasco in the Maritimes, of yearly seasonal employment followed by EI for more than half the year.

Not one politician in this country has the moral fortitude to propose meaningful reforms. So we will go on with this charade, paid for by the majority for the benefit of those that are entitled to their entitlements.  

Monday 14 January 2013

Walking the Back Streets of Queen West

When I go for my nightly walk I spend part of my time on the busy streets like King and Queen, but I almost always end up walking miles along the back alleyways of the neighbourhood. You rarely run into people just the odd raccoon, or skunk.

There is no danger in the area as it is well lit and I'm not a soft target. Even though the area is filled with homeless people and is near the country's largest mental hospital, the alley's are empty of people. The homeless can't beg in the alley. On occasion you run into old Chinese women scrounging for empties.

I get the odd look from people that park their cars in the alley, wondering if I'm going to rob them, or if I'm casing the area for a future robbery.

The alleys are  great escape from the noise and traffic of the city.

Walking the Back Alley's

Sunday 13 January 2013

Boat Show

Attended the Boat Show today with fellow boaters Mike & Wanda. There were a lot of really nice boats for people with money. We boarded a few for a tour. I purchased some of the required safety equipment, including flares and a first aid kit.

I visited some of the marina booths. My preferred marina, Outer Harbour (OHM), may be more expensive, as they do not have enough 30 foot slips. I may have to choose a 40 foot slip at a greater cost. I now have a decision to make, do I pay the extra for a bigger, wider slip, an advantage for a rookie boater, or pay less at another marina? I was intrigued by the Toronto Island marina, they have a nice clubhouse, it is considerably less expensive than OHM. Parking for guests would an issue and you have to pay for a tender to get to the island. Not an issue for me, but I may have a hard time getting guests to make the effort.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Challenge Slowly Working

I have lost 8-pounds in the first 11-days. A drop in the bucket and 18 pounds less than my minimum before I have an alcoholic beverage. But it appears more and more likely that alcohol will have to wait. I'm becoming even more emboldened each day. I have been fighting off a bad cold the last couple of days, but the worst is behind me.

I have been trying to figure out what to eat. I think I was fooled by the salad people. In order to entice you to return they soak the greens in tasty dressing. I noted in the grocery store that a small amount of dressing equals 50 calories. They use a huge ladle of the stuff. You think you are eating well, when in fact it is packed with calories. I have bought my own greens with diet dressing at 5 calories a serving.

I may experiment with sushi. I will research it first before diving in. Someone told me that was the key. Only skinny people eat sushi.

Toronto Searches For Pan Am Games Mascot

Thursday 10 January 2013

Back to Back Records

I have set personal distance records the last two days, during the challenge. I broke 10-mile walks both days. I added a weight lifting session and a run to today's effort. You have to remember I am way out of shape. I ran just over a mile without walking on the treadmill, after a 5-mile walk outside. I do walk more than the average Joe, so I do have some endurance, despite my weight.

I feel extra motivated lately. I want to go hard this weekend. Really push myself. The mild weather is a real break for the walks outside. I find myself picking up the pace as well. I did myself no favours in December, really letting myself go.

45-Day Challenge Update

I have reached Day-10 of my challenge and I want to pick up my game. I went to the bar 3-times in the first week, but drank nothing stronger than Diet Coke. I have stuck to the no drinking alcohol pledge. By and large I have stuck to my diet goals. A couple of obligations resulted in minor slip-ups, but nothing major. No pizzas or food delivery issues. No junk food.

It is time to step it up a notch. Last night I really picked up the exercise mantle. Again today I will go the extra yard. I am also taking a harder line on my food intake. I think the salad place was spiking their lunches with too much fattening dressing. I'm also going to try some nights of raw veggie and fruit meals.

I have set some stricter goals down the road. While I will stick with the 45-day minimum goal, I will not resume any alcohol intake until I hit below a maximum weight. In the future whenever I exceed that weight, I will stop drinking alcohol until I am below the weight again.

Now I do not want to stop losing weight when I hit that goal, but I do want to institute a ceiling going forward.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Chief Theresa Spence

Just when you thought that the Liberal Party of Canada was ready to return to relevance, they throw their creaky credibility behind Chief  Theresa "I spent $100M of taxpayer's money, but failed to get a receipt " Spence. Paul Martin called her an inspiration to Canadians.

Failed ex-PM Martin's legacy is slipping away. A once honourable steward of the country's finances, flushing what remains of his reputation down the drain.

The still plump, fasting Chief "If I pretend to be on a hunger strike, people will forget my boyfriend and I misplaced the money" Spence demanded a meeting with the Prime Minister. When Harper made the mistake of agreeing to meet Spence, she decided that the ribbon cutting, powerless Governor General should attend.

This is an old trick of the aboriginal entitlement lobby. Treat Canada like some colonial backwater lead by the Great Mother in Jolly Olde England. As if she can waive her magic-wand and make things better.

It's time to treat this woman with the same contempt she treats our duly elected government and the $Millions of tax money we provide her reserve. The people on her reserve deserve better representation and the citizens of Canada deserve more respect.  

Cobb Salad, 14 Tribes of Galway, The Lost Book of D'Arcy & the Sporkife

During my 45-day challenge I have been experimenting with different combos of salads, at the Salad restaurant in the Eaton Centre Mall. On Monday the guy behind me ordered a Cobb salad. I recalled a lunch I had with M where she ordered a Cobb salad and raved about it. I decided to order my first Cobb salad today. There must be more calories in a Cobb salad than a Big Mac and fries. Bacon, chicken, 3 kinds of cheese and ranch dressing. I should have just added gravy and cheese curds.

It reminded me of the show Curb Your Enthusiasm, where a guy claimed to Larry David that his grandfather invented the Cobb salad. Larry David challenged that claim. It got me to thinking that the D'Arcy clan does not really have a claim to fame.

Apparently the D'Arcy's are one of the 14 tribes of Galway in Ireland. Now my dad's family is from Tipperary. If the family owns land in Galway I'd like to hear about it.

What I plan to do is invent a back story like the Cobb salad guy. Come up with a plausible claim to fame. I have a few preliminary ideas. One would be the lost Book of D'Arcy from the New Testament. Purged from the Bible by Pope Pius I, for being too controversial. The Book of D'Arcy dealt with the  lost Jesus years. The years in Jesus life between ages 16 to 30. Note in the other 4 books of the New Testament, the story ends after age 16 and does not resume until Jesus is 30. The Book of D'Arcy fills in the gap. It deals with a rebellious Jesus that gives Mary & Joseph fits. Let's just say that you thought twice before walking through Nazareth without paying respect to Jesus and his band of disciples. He had yet to find his sense of purpose until he hit his 30's.

Horatio D'Arcy III invented the Sporkife. A single piece of cutlery that eliminated the need for a separate knife, fork and spoon. A sliding compartment changed the fork into a spoon.The edge of the Sporkife doubled as a knife and was detachable if required. The Sporkife was the Swiss Army knife of cutlery.

Speaking of cutlery, why don't the Japanese and Chinese admit that the Western world perfected cutlery and drop the chopsticks? I don't care how proficient you are at handling chopsticks, a fork is far superior.

In the interim I will be thinking of additional D'Arcy claim to fame stories, real and imagined.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Waiting to Hear From Haroon Siddiqui of Toronto Star

Haroon Siddiqui, the distinguished Toronto Star columnist, often writes eloquently about the modernity of his native India. How India can be an example to the rest of the world of an emerging nation. A nation that wants to be recognised as a world power.

I have been waiting for his column about the brutal rape and subsequent death of the poor girl on the bus India, that has gripped his native country. How India has a policy of ignoring the abuse of women, sexual assaults, of looking the other way, or worse blaming the victim.

The Toronto Star has always had a history of reporting on women's issues. They have had numerous articles and editorials on this horrific rape in India. I want to hear from their most decorated writer, Order of Canada recipient, a man that has written about his homeland on countless occasions. He can add a perspective and gravitas to the issue that no other Star writer can match.

India cannot join the First World of nations until they treat women, minorities and the people living in unspeakable poverty under their deplorable caste system with dignity, respect and equal rights under the law.

It makes no sense that Haroon has yet to write a column about this case and its underlying causes. I can't take another column from him, about the rise of India, seriously until he addresses this case. It seems to me that he has been reluctant to report on the dark side of India, preferring to write positive stories. I don't think he can write about his native country again without a comment on this issue.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Irish Breakfast

Photo From Nicole Basaraba's blog from google images

Day 5 Starting to Hallucinate

Day 5 of my 45-day challenge and I'm starting to have crazy dreams. I dreamt that I was in a citywide game. Many of us were being hunted by The Others. At first it was a friendly game, but turned deadly when The Others were trying to kill us. At times you would be in groups looking for hiding spots and other times you were alone. At one point I was hiding in someones basement in the West end of the city. They felt I was a danger to their safety and asked me to leave.

It reminded me of one of my favourite, underrated movies The Warriors. The street gang The Warriors were escaping from Central Park to their home base on Coney Island, the whole time being chased by various gangs. My dream had a similar ending. I was in an abandoned amusement park, hiding in a roller coaster when locals ratted me out to The Others. I fled on foot and was at the edge of a cliff on the Scarbro Bluffs. M, a particularly enthusiastic member of The Others,  had lined me up for the kill shot with her high powered crossbow, when I woke up in a cold sweat before she could get the satisfaction of a clean shot.

I went to the bar last night. I consumed diet Pepsi and ice water. I must say that Crazy Paul is even more annoying when your sober. John R. was always right about him.

I think Chief Theresa Spence should google "Bobby Sands" and learn what actually constitutes a hunger strike. Eating fish broth, drinking OJ and losing no discernible weight after 6-weeks, doesn't meet the test. I have lost more weight in 4-days and I'm eating 3 square meals a day.  If it looks like you may want to go on a diet after completing a hunger strike, you really weren't on a hunger strike to begin with.

Gareth emailed me a photo of what the Welsh call an English breakfast, but suspiciously looks like what the D'Arcy's refer to as an Irish breakfast. Bacon, sausage, black pudding, mushrooms with freshly squeezed lemon, hash browns and baked beans. I will not be tempted, low fat yogurt for me.

Toronto Sun TV, More Like Cable Access than Fox News

My biggest complaint about Toronto Sun TV is not that, through no choice of my own, part of my cable fees go to pay for a channel I do not want, but the comically poor production quality of the broadcast.

They actually put this channel on an a much sought after HD TV slot. The production value would embarrass a small town cable access channel. The right wing nut-job commentators are so inept as to be unwatchable. If you are looking for thought provoking conservative viewpoints, you have come to the wrong channel.

If the cable companies and CRTC are going to give these clowns an HD TV slot and I have to pay a fee for their service, at least demand that they broadcast a professional quality product. Even at a bare minimum.

Only in Canada do you get a channel and newspaper chain obsess about the publicly funded CBC, while at the same demand the CRTC put their amateur TV channel on basic cable. The purpose of which is to acquire public funding from people that will have no choice but to pay for their channel.

People compared Sun TV to Fox News. I would suspect that North Korea's state TV probably has higher quality production values.    

Those Pesky Canadian Jews Are Taking Over America's Right

What do Charles Krauthammer, Dan Senor and David Frum have in common? They are all annoying? Yes. They're all prominent right wing commentators in America? True. They are all Jewish? Yes.
But what most American political junkies probably don't realise is all 3 are Canadian. All products of the Canadian education and healthcare schemes. Those pesky Canadian accents throw everyone off the trail.

Krauthammer and Senor were both born in the USA but raised almost entirely in Canada. Frum and Senor are both from Toronto, while Krauthammer is from Montreal and is fluent in French. While Senor and Krauthammer were born in America, both attended undergrad studies in Canada, while the Canadian born Frum attended Yale.

Krauthammer and Senor both used US birth certificates to begin their careers in US, while Frum spent his formative work years in Canada. Krauthanner has a medical degree from Harvard.

Most Canadians could only identify Frum as a fellow Canuck. He had a prominent career in Canada before being recruited by George W. Bush as a speech writer. In Canada his mother, Barbara Frum, was much more famous and really beloved, as a TV and radio host. Probably Canada's best interviewer. When she died prematurely of an illness, it was a shock to most Canadians. I recall listening to her when I was a kid in Hamilton. Her radio show was called "As it Happens". I always thought that she leaned a little to the left. David Frum has denied this in recent years, but I do not think he has convinced us that his mom was a closet conservative.

It is interesting that three of the most prominent American conservative commentators are products of the large and influential Toronto and Montreal Jewish communities. I can say that they are not the crazy conservatives of the Limbaugh and Beck ilk, though "I never have to say I'm sorry" Krauthammer has been pushing the boundary of late.

All three men tend to be thoughtful conservatives and big supporters of Jewish and Israeli causes. Just like in America, Canadian Jews tend to lean a little to the left, but have been trending conservative in the recent past, primarily because of a support for Israel. No government on earth, are bigger supporters of Israel than the Harper conservatives.

Thursday 3 January 2013

45-Day Challenge

The month of December takes its toll with all the industry parties, chocolates, booze and greasy food. While my heart stood up well thanks to modern medicine, the same cannot be said for my ever expanding waistline. Two years ago I had a successful 30-day challenge, where I was booze and fatty food free for the month of January. Lost a ton of weight and kept it off for about 1 1/2 years. I slipped badly over the last 6 months or so.

This time I have set a loftier goal of 45 days. This corresponds with my annual physical in Mid-February. Will try and keep away from the bad foods after the 45-days.

I am keeping a diary of all the food I will consume. I normally only drink alcohol on Friday, sometimes Thursday. So I have not been tested yet. Frankly, it is not all that hard if you are determined, which I am. Plus this public blog should keep me honest.

I actually exercise more than most people already. I walk to and from work daily and about 45-60 minutes on weeknights. The exercise weight loss is probably the least pronounced. I will likely get a couple of extra hours of walking and additional weight training. Plus I will run on the the treadmill. All good but not substantial enough to result in major weight loss over a 6-week period. Maybe 2-3 pounds, I'm guessing.

I believe the major difference is the healthier food choices. To a lessor extent cutting out beer entirely. The first 3-days were easy, the next 3 will make a big difference. If you see me at the pub, beer store or Burger King drive-thru this weekend, feel free to share my shame.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

It is 2013 Brian Mulroney Has Not Answered for Moneybag Gate, or Subsequent Court Award Against Taxpayers, or For Why Ben is on TV

30-Day Challenge

I'm going to do another 30-day challenge where I do not consume alcohol, or any junk food for the month of January. I did this 2-years ago and dropped quite a bit of weight. By the end of the month I was running a fair bit on the treadmill. By posting this challenge on my Blog it makes it harder for me to cheat.

I will provide regular updates. It is now 10AM on January 1st and I have yet to eat. That is a good start.        
I am tied with the hunger striking aboriginal Chief in Northern Ontario for 2013, in caloric intake.

Speaking of which we pump $millions of tax dollars into theses remote reserves and the residents freely admit there is no prospect of any work. They then fly off to Syria, Israel and in the old days South Africa to give aide and comfort to bigots. "Oh look how the Canadians treat their aboriginals". So these regimes can continue to punish their minorities. My solution is simple, give every aboriginal alive today $250,000 and provide Canada with a permanent release from any further obligations.

Maybe my idea is simplistic. I'm hungry as I haven't eaten a bite the entire year.

I recall at the end of the last 30-day challenge people actually noticed that my skin even looked healthier. I was positively glowing.

I could really use a drink right now.

In is 10:07AM and I'm starting to get hungry.