Tuesday 29 April 2014

Harper Shakes Down By-Law Boy for Extra Taxes

It's Been Awhile

I have been negligent in posting updates primarily because I have been on two recent golf vacations. Remarkable in the fact that I'm a horrific golfer. I'm back burnt to a crisp and have put on about 10-pounds.

I've been hit with some shocking financial setbacks. I have to pay Revenue Canada $3,200 in extra taxes. I'm not sure why the finance people in my company can't get the tax deductions right. I have to pay over $2,500 every year. I come close to maxing out my RRSP's. My problem is that I have so few tax deductions. Harper hates me because I'm not a white Christian family man. His targeted tax breaks fail to reach my plate.

I know this is considered sacrilege and impolite, but the late Jim Flaherty was not a good Finance Minister. I will at least give him credit fro standing up to Harper in the end when he came out against income splitting, but he missed the call on the last recession and ran up monumental deficits. His GST cut was universally panned. He also hurt Ontario his home province. Badmouthing the province and failing to stand up and demand a fair shake for Ontario was inexcusable. The best that can be said for Flaherty is that he wasn't an asshole like the majority of Harper's cabinet.

I'm guessing I can't tell Harper what I would like him to do with the extra $3,200 he is collecting from me. I know where I would like him to put the money, but that would be inappropriate in a family forum.

I also  paid my Ontario Place marina fee today. That was not a shock and it is just upfront money for what should be a fun season if summer ever arrives.

I will be putting the Irish Brawler into the Lake this weekend. I bought fishing gear so we will be getting some pre-summer use out of the boat.

I'm very excited about the Toronto Raptors. I'm not kidding that the Raptors are 0-6 with me in attendance this year. Don't let that prevent loyal readers from reaching out to take me to a game. I'm sure that is just a fluke and the streak has to end some time.

Friday 18 April 2014

Adam Vaughan??

Looks like the Liberals will be running Adam "No Fun" Vaughan in the Trinity-Spadina By-election. No one was happier than me when Trudeau ditched the Ianno/Innes train wreck.  I was ready to vote Liberal again until they forced the sanctimonious Adam "tut-tutting" Vaughan on the electorate. The perpetually scowling, angry Vaughan advocates for people that pay no taxes at the expense of ratepayers. There is nothing that Adam Vaughan stands for that I am in support of. The anti-fun Vaughan wants to turn downtown Toronto into a noise free, no-party dead zone of subsidised housing and food banks. As for taxpayers, hand over your cheque and keep the noise down.

Adam Vaughan is an angry advocate for entitled poverty crusaders. He believes in distributing income from the hardworking middle class to his lazy professional poverty bullies.

Once again one of the most high profile riding's in Canada will be represented by a dour, angry pouting, income redistributor that wants to outlaw fun on he streets. I will have to dust off my NDP sign and hope that riding changes next election will result in an acceptable Liberal candidate. Unlike Alberta Tories I actually care who carries the party banner.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Getting the Brawler Ready

Bereza and I added the canvass to the boat Saturday. It was shrink wrapped in plastic for the winter. I'm hoping the increased heat takes the wrinkles out of the windows. I did a poor job if storing the windshield.

We did a run to Bass Pro Shop and picked up a Yeti cooler, the best you can buy. It is Grizzly bear resistant. I can read the headline now "Man mauled by Grizzly bear but cooler remains intact".
We also picked up fishing gear as the month of May will likely be too cool for much else.

Prepping the Brawler