Wednesday 19 April 2017

I have moved to a new Condo

I have finally moved into my new condo. I purchased it 6-years ago as a pre-build.
The advantage is that I paid 6-year old prices for the condo unit.
I am renovating the old condo right now. The over heated Toronto housing market should allow me to make a tidy profit. I'm hoping I can be mortgage free on the new place.

Let's hope our Premier Kathleen Wynne doesn't manage to screw up the housing file before I sell.
What I find amazing about her 11% approval rating is that they found 11% that actually think she is doing a good job.

I just purchased new appliances for the old place. They are far better than the appliances I have in the new condo. I found out that European appliances is code for "small" appliances. The workmanship on the new place leaves a lot to be desired. My take on new builds across Canada is  that this is the new norm.

I have amazing views from my new condo. I will share some of those in photos shortly.