It was 20 years ago that Brian Mulroney accepted a brown envelope with several hundred thousand $dollars in cash. He then sued the taxpayers of Canada who were forced to give him over $1 million as there was no proof a the time that he committed an offence. The government formed a Commission which concluded that he received the money for no known services rendered. Why has Brian Mulroney not severed time in jail?
Dalton McGuinty cancelled two gas plants to save 2-seats over one election cycle. It cost the taxpayers of Ontario $1Billion dollars. Why is Dalton McGunity not serving time in prison?
Catholic teachers in Ontario want to send a delegation to march in the gay pride parade. The Catholic clergy has come out against this march. It is ironic that an institution with an overwhelming number of gay clergy would be against this. I once read about a famous writer that wanted to be a Catholic priest as a young man, he left the seminary in Washington because he was constantly being hit on by his fellow seminarians.
I was speaking with someone the other day that claimed that the Church taught you to be a good person. The implication was that if you did not believe in God there would be no reason to be a decent human being. As for lapsed Catholics, his theory is that the teachings were already ingrained and therefore not lost when we lost faith. Of course this is complete nonsense. Pope John Paul II was one of the most divisive, right-wing leaders in Catholic history. He drove away millions of progressive decent Catholics from the church. I don't know if it was John Paul II or modern science that can be credited with pushing away progressives from the church. I like to think it was science.
It appears that the mayor of my city and his brother have been lobbying City Hall on behalf of their family business and associated companies. He is currently in rehab but is still the mayor.
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