Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Confirmation, Age of Reason, Atheism

In the Catholic Church you are baptised as an infant. Depending on where you live the Sacrament of Confirmation is performed at or near the age of 12. The idea is that you have reached the age of reason and understand what you are committing to. I was confirmed at the age of 12. A friend at work is planning a party after her daughter's upcoming Confirmation. It was with this occasion that I have raised a general objection to the practise of confirming kids at this young age.

There is no doubt that kids at age 12 understand the basic tenants of the RC faith. They may even be fully invested in the church dogma and practises. My objection is that they are not old enough to commit to the Church. They are not endowed with free will, a right to object, independent thought, or the courage to object to their their parents wishes. In my opinion Confirmation should be considered and entered into as an adult. Ideally the Sacrament would be administered between the ages of 25 to 30. The RC church would have far fewer committed members but at least they would have made an informed decision.

If you are like me and a sceptic of all faiths, I recommend the documentary on Netflix called the Unbelievers by two of the leading atheists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss. I was watching the video and I recognised a Canadian accent in Krauss. Sure enough he grew up in Toronto.

The basis for the Unbelievers and most leading atheists is that advances in science have rendered all religious faiths as highly probable hoaxes.

Just basic facts like a 13.8 Billion year-old universe, a 4.5 Billion year-old sun, earth formed 3.5 Billion years ago, single celled life forming as the earth cooled, dinosaurs ruling the earth for hundreds of millions of years, our ancestors basically primordial chipmunks burrowing in the dirt at the time. Modern humans only existing for the past 200,000 years. Our sun has existed for only 1/3 of the time since the formation of the universe. Humans evolving as self aware beings for a tiny fraction of the existence of the universe. How could all of this have been created for us?

The God's that ancient Egyptians and Greeks worshipped like Ra, Zeus have come and gone. I suspect that Christian, Jewish, Muslim and eastern religions will also fade from practise in the future.

Science doesn't have all the answers, but just in our lifetime they have explained much of the mystery of the universe. I just think we know enough now to debunk modern religions.

I only feel bad for my friend's kid who will have to cancel her Confirmation party because her Mom works with some nutter that is questioning the origins of the universe. Can't we just eat cake?

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