Wednesday 7 September 2016

This and That

Why can't you buy decent shoelaces in Toronto?

In Canada they repeated the endless loop of Fabreze air freshener commercials on TV where the Mom tells her teenage son to clean up his room before girls arrive. The kid was annoying. I have noticed newer versions of the commercial have replaced the Mom, the kid and the girls. Unsettling!

The installation of no Doggy Doo signs on my condo lawn have decreased, but not ended the practise of strangers having their animals relieve themselves on my lawn.

I want the City of Toronto to require cyclists and dog owners to tattoo "Asshole" on their foreheads so we can identify them when they are walking around without their bike, or dogs.

The next time I see a cyclist stop at a stop sign will be the first time. Rules of the road do not apply to cyclists in the city. But they are the first to be outraged when a car violates a rule.

I was checking out a YouTube video of Harbour City proposal in 1970 to start a water based neighbourhood near Ontario Place. Jane Jacobs was a consultant and supporter of the plan. Fascinating and forgotten proposal. It would have changed the course of history of the city.

They are proposing a park on the deck of railway lands near Rogers Centre. Great idea but the city spends zero money and effort maintaining the parks that we already have.

I'm normally a Liberal supporter but the endless scandals and incompetence of the Wynne government is astonishing. They have so badly fumbled the ball on the power generation front that impeaching/recalling Wynne should be an option. The combination of McGuinty and Wynne have set the Ontario economy back 50-years. I'm not sure how we recover. I suspect a strong private sector may allow us to muddle through. It is much the same with the City of Toronto. It is run by an idiot government but a strong economy allows us to make progress regardless.

Probably the two most disappointing Conservatives in Harper's government were Kellie Leitch and Chris Alexander. Alexander was rightly defeated by his constituents. Leitch has doubled down on her bigoted "cultural practises" lunacy. We thought she took the fall for Harper, but she is proving to be a redneck on her own terms.

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