Saturday 12 October 2013

Congrats Donut Girl!

Regular readers of this Blog know that I am very close friends with Ana Maria (Donut Girl) and her sister Mariana. I also consider myself somewhat of a mentor to the H girls. They worked for my company and are extremely hard workers and exceptionally smart.

M worked in my department until 3-years ago. Our company recognised her hard work and intelligence. She regularly scored the highest in our rating system, but as is very typical in our industry we did not promote her. In our industry it is very common to move from company to company early in your career in order to get promoted. M resigned and went to work for a rival company. During her two week notice period our company scrambled to put together a package to keep her. Our HR department, not nimble at the best of times, could not move fast enough and she left. M has thrived at her new company and is considered an invaluable employee. I consider it a personal failure that I did not try hard enough to get her promoted.

Donut Girl works for my company but in a completely different department. I have no control over her career. I can only give her advice from a distance. I'm very proud to say that Donut Girl was promoted this week. We finally got it right!

I know the H family very well. They have exceptional parents and are an immigrant success story. They remind me of my own family where our parents immigrated to Canada and all of the children became successful in their careers.

In the end I have very little to do with the success of the H girls. They are the product of their own family and old fashioned hard work. I'm very proud of the H girls and it is great to see their careers flourish.

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