Monday 7 October 2013

Lunch for Losers

I had a great lunch today by returning to the sushi outlet in the Eaton Centre. Followed it with a post work salad and exercise tonight. I think the only difference this time is that I have to mix it up a bit. The same salmon sushi each lunch hour wont cut it. I may try soup and some of the other sushi offerings on different days. I really need to cut back.

I note that Stephen Harper is boycotting the Commonwealth summit.  This coming a week after he boycotted the UN. I wonder if the rest of the world will notice or care? Given that Harper worships the Queen of England as his Supreme Leader the Commonwealth boycott is a bit odd. It may have to do with appealing to Tamil voters in the 905 region.  

In one month I will have hundreds of new coworkers. I got off on the wrong foot at our first meet and greet. What we really need is a pub night. I've been through many mergers and acquisitions. I'm pretty laid back about it but it is stressful for some.

There is a very short lady in my office that I have almost run over on numerous occasions. She is well under 5-feet tall and for some reason often exits her cubicle at the same time I walk by. She has no chance in a collision. It would be like a transport truck hitting a mini-cooper. Other people can hear when I'm approaching. I have flat feet and make a ruckus as I walk by. I find this stressful as I have been with the company 12-years and I don't want to alter my walking pace. What if the new people have the same lack of cubicle exiting etiquette? Would it be odd if I sent an email with cubicle exiting best practises?

I'm going to have to walk on eggshells to avoid a collision with the new people. I'll be afraid to go to the bathroom for fear that I will knock some new guy over. I'm not sure what is going on as I had no issues my first 25-years in the business.

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