Friday 27 September 2013

Dean Del Mastro

Dean Del Mastro, Conservative MP from Peterborough, you claim you are innocent of charges of illegal election spending? Numerous employees of a company were not paid $1050 so they could pay your campaign $1,000 donations? That you paid another company $21,000 and they reported only $1,500 as a campaign donation?

You deny theses allegations and all the employees are liars? Take a lie detector test. I dare you! Show an once of personal integrity. Man up instead of crying like a tiny little boy caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

You don't have a nut in your sac! If I was ever falsely accused of  wrongdoing as you claim to be I would call a lawyer set up a lie detector test and publish the results. You wont do it because you're guilty. End of story! Don't cry anymore unless you resign your seat like a man with integrity.

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