Thursday, 5 September 2013

Harper Economy

The Canadian economy is lagging behind the US in growth under Harper. Canada's GDP retracted in June and has been growing at 1.7% compared to 2.7% in the US under Obama's leadership.
Harper and Flaherty are complete failures when it comes to the economy. They squandered a $13B surplus left to them by Paul Martin prior to the recession and have ran up record deficits since then.

As an investor I have watched the NYSE reach record levels while the TSX has never fully recovered from the crash of 2008.  The TSX was 2,000 points ahead of the NYSE but now lags 2,000 points behind.

We are led by socially conservative, fiscally incompetent, tea sipping, crumpet eating losers in Ottawa. The corporations that they favour with tax breaks are hoarding cash while consumers prop up the economy by spending and increasing personal debt. The tar sands oil is selling for a huge discount on the open market over $30 a barrel. Most Canadians are unaware that oil from the tar sands sell well below the Texas crude benchmark.

I can't wait for the next election when we send Harper's paper thin cabinet off to their taxpayer funded retirement.

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