Saturday 21 September 2013

Swear Allegiance to a Foreign Queen

Go to love the Toronto Sun's ex-pat Aussie writer telling immigrants to Canada that they should leave this country if they do not want to swear allegiance to the Queen of England. The Australians got rid of that requirement by the way. I'm an immigrant to Canada and I served this country in the military. I'm not going to swear allegiance to your Queen and I'm not going to leave.

I challenge you to try and remove me from this country. This guy has been in Canada all of 2-years telling actual Canadians what to do.

By the way the Toronto Sun added a poll to their article with a question skewed to favour swearing the oath. The only problem is that the overwhelming majority voted against the oath. No matter how many times governments and courts want to convince us that the Queen is Canadian, the people aren't buying it.

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