Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Who Are These People?

My employer purchased another company and is in the middle of merging the two operations. For the first time we met a small number of the "newcomers" in a neutral site. I find this very stressful, not because I'm worried about my job but because I have a hard time meeting new people. I find them all wanting. I assure you that the problem is mine, they are regular folks. I just find fault in all of them.

After 12 years I was just getting to know to my current co-workers and then they bring in this lot. I find people to be too eager to please and it forces them to lie. After painfully lame icebreaker exercises they asked everyone in the room to come up with one word to describe their feelings about the merger. "excited" "enthusiastic" "breathtaking" "exhilarating" "majestic". I was last to go: "angry". OK after a few room chuckles I changed it to "neutral".  I was the only one that gave an honest answer. Most of them are deathly scared of losing their job. They seem like nice enough people had I taken the time to talk to them. An icebreaker for me is a couple of beers with them in a pub.

To quote my boss "D'Arcy, we like to take you out of your comfort zone" I don't want to leave my comfort zone. I like my comfort zone.

We even did a self-evaluation. Now if you think I'm hard on others, I'm pretty tough on myself.  I had the lowest score in the room. I took a good look around that room and there is no way I should have had the lowest score. My friend Dawn gave herself a score in the mid-4's out of 5 in all categories. I wish we could get a glimpse of what she sees in herself. One of the "new" guys gave himself a perfect 5 out 5. I scored him a 5 in the annoying category. He must be taking a sabbatical from brain surgery to slum it in the insurance racket.

I remember the first day of every job I ever had. I hated that day because you didn't know anyone and you were the centre of attention. You could see the disappointment on the ladies faces. "I wasn't expecting much, but this guy couldn't even meet that low standard". You would sit in the cafeteria and the guy that was forced to take you to lunch looked like he had drawn the short straw. I even remember transferring schools in grade 7 in the middle of the school year. That was the worst experience. The kids were merciless. I still want to track down Janet D. and "scold" her 37-years later. I only take comfort that unless she married well she is likely clipping coupons somewhere.

I'm sure it will be OK after an adjustment period and we may even find a new Pub regular in the rabble.

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