Saturday 2 March 2013

Blacks in Ontario Jails

The Toronto Star has an an article and editorial today stating the fact that blacks are 4 times more likely to be jailed than white people. They blame society for this problem.

Blacks make up a tiny proportion of our population, likely less than 1 percent, yet when you read about a murder, or shooting, in Toronto you know the likely shooter and and victim will be black. If there are 100 murders a year in Toronto, 70 to 80 of the murderers will be black. Same number of victims as well. You are probably 100 times more likely to be a murder victim if you are black in Toronto.

I'm surprised that blacks are only 4 times more likely to go to prison. I thought it would be higher.

There is nothing that the greater society can do to keep them from killing each other. Almost all of them will be fatherless. How is the greater community going to force black fathers to look after their kids?  To take responsibility for their families?

The solution by the do gooders is to build them more basketball courts. To keep them busy so they  wont rob us.

What is the black community doing about making black males more responsible, when then have children?

Everyone in Ontario gets free education and healthcare. The black community should get their own house in order. Where is the community outcry to make black males more responsible parents?

It is not my fault when a black kid shoots another black kid in the Eaton Centre. I wont take any of the blame. The judge better throw the shooter in jail for a long time, so I can walk through the mall in relative safety. I don't care if the kid didn't have a basketball court to keep him busy, or know his own father.

The Toronto Star states that if we don't keep young black males busy with recreational spaces and give them a job, it is our fault when they commit murder. Newfoundland has a 19% unemployment rate and very few basketball courts, yet they have a low murder rate. Why is murder the fallback position? I'm not busy and don't have a job, so I will go murder someone.

Its not the gangster culture, the drug abuse, the fatherless homes. It's society's fault that 80% of black males are raised without fathers.

Am I saying there is no problem? No, there is a problem with black on black crime. I'm saying two things, one is that it is not my fault, the other is that there is no solution. Other than a cultural change from within the community. I don't think it will happen any time soon.

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