Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Claims Gang

I was talking to our new Probationary employee Dawn. I normally shy away from new employees, while they are on probation, just in case they get let go during probation. You don't want to get too close in case they get let go. However I have managed to alienate most of the regular co-workers, therefore I don't have a lot of people to talk to. Plus new employees have not heard my well worn stories.

I was telling Dawn about my Claims Gang idea. Most people are dismissive and tell me to leave their cubes, or they will dial HR. But Dawn appeared to warm to the idea. As I have already recruited Crazy Paul, 3-people make for a gang, albeit a small one. But it is a start.

Now our gang is not violent, or intimidating, though we are collectively quite tall, we have no interest in causing trouble. What will make us standout is our capes, top hats and walking sticks. I have written about this before. What I would like to do is arrive at a mediation in our matching capes and top hats. All arrive at the same time, walk around the table without uttering a word, exit to hang up our capes, reenter the room and place our top hats on the table. Then loudly and repeatedly tap the tables with our walking sticks until we are told to stop.

I want people to know us as the people with the capes and top hats. Its a schtick, a statement without uttering a word. It's all about being taken seriously in the market.  A calling card in the industry.

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