Monday 11 March 2013

Words of Wisdom from Financial Advisor

I met with my Colombian financial adviser for coffee today, after her day job was complete.
Let me start off by saying that you may want to be careful before you choose a Colombian financial adviser.

The South American oil stock she recommended is tumbling faster than a Chinese acrobat. Thankfully my Blackberry stock has hedged against this free fall. I asked her if she had any other advice?

The following is a direct quote: "D'Arcy, if you commit a heinous crime in Colombia, you should kill yourself, because you wouldn't last a week in a Colombian prison."

After I mildly complained about her stock recommendation, she told me that it would be more productive if yelled at my barber for my bad haircut.

She did get around to recommending I invest in REIT's, before asking me if I knew anything about REIT's, because she didn't have a clue.  Real estate Equity Investment Trusts, for those that do not know what a REIT is.

Now my Financial Adviser is highly entertaining and we had a 2-hour conversation, before being thrown out of the coffee shop. I just hope her financial advice doesn't bankrupt me.

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