Sunday 17 March 2013

Movie Critic

One of the reasons I like Air Canada much better than West Jet is the entertainment available. The West Jet planes and old style TV screens are dated.  Air Canada offers movies just out of the theatre and before they are available on-line, or on movie networks.

On the St. John's trip I watched Life of Pi and Lincoln. I also recently watched Argo on i-Tunes. Even though both Argo and Life of Pi had significant Canadian angles, I much preferred Lincoln. The acting in  Lincoln was much better. It did  contain the usual preachy, re-writing historical wrongs, present in many Spielberg movies, but they were minimal and did not take away from the film.

The film painted Mrs. Lincoln, Mary Todd as a little crazy. Her eldest son would commit her in later years. It does suggest that partisan politics, failure to compromise with the other side, has been around for a long time.

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