Friday 29 March 2013

Flaherty Finance Minister for Big Business

Jim Flaherty is handing out $7 Billion in corporate welfare to his business buddies this year. An insurance defence lawyer by trade, Flaherty managed to wipe out a massive budget surplus, BEFORE the recession hit. A recession in which he denied would effect Canada. He eliminated 2 cents of the GST/HST which has cost the government 10's of $Billions of dollars. He has ran up the worst budget deficits in Canadian history, even worse than Brian "I took a bag of cash for no services rendered" Mulroney.

Toronto/Ontario should impose road tolls to pay for subways, end of discussion.

I still do not know why people are against a casino in Toronto. I know there are a lot of leftwing artistic types in Toronto that are against everything, tall buildings, sporting events, Olympics, any developments. I don't understand why they want to live in a big city.

None of the 3 provincial party leaders in Ontario are fit to be premier.

My MPP Rosario Marchese is invisible. Someone take his pulse to find out if he is still alive. I only hear from him at election time. I do not want to highlight one ethnic group, but if there is a single competent Italian Canadian politician in Canadian political history, since confederation, at any level of government, please point him/her out to me. Just one!  Because there are a lot of really bad ones.
My last MP of Italian decent was sanctioned by the Ontario Securities Commission and banned from trading. His wife then ran in his place, with a different last name and no written, or photographic evidence of her husband's existence.  She threatened to sue a voter that dared mention his name.

Listen I'm a Canadian of Irish background and we had some really bad politicians, like Mulroney and Flaherty, but we don't hold a candle to the Italians.

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