Saturday 16 March 2013

St. John's Trip

It's controversial!

I have now visited all 10 Canadian provinces, with my business trip to Newfoundland this week. The controversy is with Saskatchewan. I was on a train that passed through and even stopped in Regina, SK. I recall seeing Taylor Field Stadium from the train. I count Saskatchewan on my list, while others may not.

I went to St. John's on a business trip, but took an extra day to explore the city. I even accidentally walked up Signal Hill, featured in the photos below, which is quite a hike. Some of the locals were surprised I chose the walk up the very steep hill.

I visited many of the local pubs, in and around George Street. I went to the Duke of Duckworth pub, on two nights with my local counsel Steve F.

In most of North America they celebrate St. Patrick's Day, in St. John's it's St. Patrick's Week. This includes pubs selling out tickets for 9AM breakfasts, with the bar in full swing. I picked up some of the local lingo and a slight Newfie accent.

During the business portion of the event, I was asked 4 times "where are you at". I didn't know if it was a state of mind type of question, or literal? I found out it meant, what hotel you are staying at. I did sample fish & chips on 3 occasions. It makes a big difference when you can source fresh cod on a daily basis. The breakfast buffet had black, or blood pudding, that was the first time I have ever seen black pudding in a buffet.

The people of St. John's were very friendly. In the local bar, everyone really does know your name. I guess it is a small town, with a real pub culture. A very unique, distant part of North America. Well worth the visit if you get the chance.

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